Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Kick Clap Speaker

A. Hang Clean: heavy triple in 10 minutes
B. AMRAP 1-5 unbroken hang clean ladders in 10 minutes (loading is 80% of heavy triple)*
C. 3 x 30 GHD hip/back extension; rest 90

*1 clean, dump; 2 cleans, dump;3 cleans, dump; 4 cleans, dump; 5 cleans, dump. That's one 1-5 ladder
Worked up to 80kg/176lb before running out of time... feel like I could have done a bit more. That non-regrip was killer especially when coming down from the rack position. Went with 65kg/143lb on "B" and it was prob just right although I feel like I should have knocked out more rounds. I was able to keep technique so we'll call it a win... 2 rounds +1, +2, and +3 rungs. C was a chiz-eck and the back held up. Word.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


150 Push-Ups

For every foul or break, run 400m... my goal was to do sets of 25's and run 1.5 miles and I was able to meet that goal in 14:37. Fun day. Rainy Day.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Thrusters, 95#

5:21 today... A ho-hum performance after a beer and candy filled holiday

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


12 Days of X(fit)Mas, for time:
1-100m run
3-Strict Pull-Ups
5-Ring Dips
6-Box Jumps
7-Kettlebell Swings
8-Abmat Sit-ups
9-Air Squats
10-Star Jumps
11-Kettlebell High-Pulls

26 and change... good, hard fun

Tuesday, December 21, 2010



Tabata Rowing (for calories)
Rest 1 min
Tabata Squats
Rest 1 min
Tabata Chin-ups
Rest 1 min
Tabata Sit-ups

74/137/57/86... 354

Monday, December 20, 2010


A. Power snatch: up to a 1RM; rest as needed
B. Front Squats @ 30X2: 5,5,5,5; rest 2 min
C. Russian KB Swings w/band: AMRAP in 60/45/30 sec; rest as needed between efforts

Went easy on the snatches and worked on form... never went more than 98#. Front squats were a beotch at that cadence... 90kg/198lb was my best. Rolled with the 88# and no band on part "C," don't remember my total count but I got gassed luggin' that thing.

Friday, December 17, 2010

As Always

7 rounds for time:
10 sumo deadlift high-pull, 40kg
15 burpees

Ran rx'd with this and scored a 11:42... high-pulls felt good and I went unbroken until rounds 6 and 7. Burpees sucked.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For No Particular Reason

4 sets:
Sprint run 45 sec at 90%
Rest 180 seconds
Active rest 15 minutes
4 sets:
Sprint run 45 sec at 90%
Rest 180 sec

We rode over to the SMU track to do this WOD... Hit right around the 300m mark each time on the sprints. We did a bunch of bleacher work during the active rest, fun day.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A1. Back squat @ 20X1: 4-6 x 4 sets; rest 10 sec
A2. 12 DB walking lunge (1/3 BW in each hand) x 4 sets; rest 10 sec
A3. 15 broad jumps x 4 sets; rest 5 minutes
B. Side bridge: 60 sec each side (no pause between sides) x 4 sets; rest 60 sec b/t sets

Rolled with 30lb db's on the lunges... Squat loads were 176x6|198x6|220x5|230x2|220x4.
Checkity-check-check on the rest.

Monday, December 13, 2010


4 sets:
20 sec row sprints for highest avg. watts
rest 40 sec
20 sec AMRAP chest to bar pull-ups
rest 40 sec

Watts were: XXX|479|440|479... I was late on my first heat and only got 2 hundred sumthin
Pull-ups were: 14|14|10|10

We also did 3x15 abmat situps and 3x30" plank holds

Thursday, December 9, 2010


21-15-9 for time:
Deadlift (225/165)
Handstand Push-Ups

Boo... 8 and change. My dumbass tried to run with 1 abmat and got toasted. I did 13, switched to 2 abmats, but I couldn't recover SO went to prison shower push-ups. Damn disgraceful actually. But lesson learned. Deadlifts were fine. Think I could have rolled with the single abmat if my shoulders hadn't been so sore from the week's activities. Felt stoopid after this one.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


A. Split Jerk @ 20X2: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2; rest 2 min

B. 10 minutes of double unders for reps

Skipped the jerks and did a strict press with 3230 count... didn't go above 75lb.
422 du's on the latter. That's gotta be some kinda PR for me. Most du's EVAR.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


A. Hang snatch + Overhead squat: 1.5 x 5 sets; rest 120
B1. AMRAP DB push press in 30 sec (30/20) x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
B2. AMRAP pull-ups in 30 secs x 4 sets; rest 60
C. GHD sit-ups 12 x 5 sets; rest 90 sec

A. Took it easy due to back, stopped at 115... also noticed my snatch grip is more narrow than my "ideal" OHS grip. Prolly need to reconcile the two.
B1. 98 @ 30
B2. 79
C. Check

Monday, December 6, 2010

Quads R.I.P.

2000m Row
GHD back extensions, 5x12

Well, I had a goal... sub 7 minutes.

I had plan... 1:40 for 250, 1:42 for 250, 1:44 for 250 1:46 for 250, 1:48-1:50 for 500, 1:46 for 300, and ALL OUT for 200.

I had encouragement... Chase and the boys were in my ear.

What I lacked (or lost) was focus... if even for the briefest of moments. I missed 2 pulls when I let my body over power my mind and take a moment to rest. My guess is those moments cost me 3 sec each and I wasn't able to regain them. My final time was 7:05. I couldn't get off the ground for 15 afterwards, so I didn't exactly make it to the GHD machines.

I looked for a memorable quote that would capture the antagonistic nature between  body and mind during intense/stressful situations, but came up empty handed... However, I think its clear that the body will ALWAYS want to stop, quit, slow down, take it easy, etc. Its the mind (and our focus) that determines what we do. Oh, and I made my own quote:

"A strong body is nothing without a strong mind, but a weak body can be anything with one."

Friday, December 3, 2010

What's On the Menu?

1000m Row
50 Thrusters, 45#
30 Pull-ups

3:43 on the row
7:14 total
That's a 2.5min PR woot woot

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Go Already

20 min AMRAP:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

I got either 17 or 18 full round plus 5 pulls and 10 push... a PR but def not me best me thinks. I tried to game the push-ups and it took entirely too long (went 5 and 5). Guess the good news is I went unbroken on my first 5 push-ups every round.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jump, Jive, and Flail

A1. High hang clean + front squat: 1.2 x 5 sets; rest 30 sec
A2. 3 Vertical leaps AHAP x 5 sets; rest 120
B. Overhead squat @ 3112 (80% intensity) : 3 x 3; rest 120
C. Heavy KB swings: 15 x 5; rest 60 sec

A. 85/187 was last successful sequence... got 90/198 up but failed on last front squat (left knee came in)
B. Did 50/110, 60/132, and 65/143... wrist were wrecked
C. Threw around the 70

Back help up today... hip flexor acted up a bit though (post WOD)

Weight: 171.2

Monday, November 29, 2010

9 Pie Slices

Deadlift 1RM
Tabata Abmat Sit-ups

170kg/374bs 9lb PR
17|17|17|16|16|15|15|15 Total: 128

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gobble Gobble

15,12,9,6,3 rep rounds for time;

Power snatch (95/65)
Knees to elbows
rest 5 minutes
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
3 chest to bar bull-ups
3 burpees
rest 5 minutes
AMRAP 15 unbroken double unders in 5 minutes

Subbed handstand push-ups for power snatches... not sure what my time was.
7 rounds of burpess/pull-ups (I think ??)
11 rounds unbroken du's

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Like The Wind

12 minute time cap:

1 mile run
AMRAP squat cleans in time remaining (155/100)

Did the run in 6:40... nabbed a lowly 14 cleans rx'd

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trouble Is

A. Power clean: 3,3,3; rest 180 sec
B. Front Squat: 5,5,5; rest 180 sec
C. Push-press: 2,2,2; rest 180 sec

Worked up to 176 on the cleans, stance went wide on 2 of the last 3 reps... 198 on the front squats, back wasn't staying tight today... Skipped the push-press due to the back and did some weighted push-ups instead, maybe did 40/50 with a 45lb vest....

Finished the day off with some ab work... 15xabmat 8181, 15xghd 3131, and 15 abrollers 2121

Friday, November 12, 2010

And That's How You Get Puddles

A1. Push-jerk: 1,1,1,1,1; rest 60
A2. 20 unbroken pull-ups x 5; rest 180
B1. 200m sprint x 3; rest 120
B2. max burpees in 25 sec x 3; rest 120

A1. Subbed front squat... PR'd at 103kg before running out of time. Thinkin I can get 105 next go 'round
A2. Check
B1. It started raining hard outside so the class subbed shuttle-runs, I subbed Airdyne sprints... I just went until the last person crossed the finish line on the runs
B3. Check... nabbed 13 each round

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For Tat

AMRAP in 15 minutes:

5 power snatch, 135/95
10 ring dips

Subbed behind-the-neck-snatch-grip-push-presses for power snatch... tryna be relatively careful with the low back. Rolled with 55kg... 7 full rounds, 1 behind-the-neck-snatch-grip-push-press. Kept a pace that I could really concentrate and keep my midline stabilized.

Monday, November 8, 2010


A. Deadlift 5RM
B. 1 attempt max kipping pull-ups
C. AMRAP push-ups in 4 minutes

a. 319lb x5
b. 39 pull-ups.. forearms/grip gave out.
c. 88 push-ups

Low back got REAL tight after this... different kinda pain than usual.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hands On

Power Clean 3x3
Front Squat 3x5
Push-Press 3x2

Had an Airrosti treatment/appt before the WOD today to help loosen up my back, so was kinda takin it easy... my best on each was 176, 184, and 154. Did a nice lil ab-burner wod as dessert as well.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Faces Come Out of the Rain

15 unbroken KB swings, 2/1.5pd
400m run @ 90% effort
Rest 2 min x 3 sets
20 box jumps, 24/20" box
90 seconds burpees @ 90% effort
Rest 2 min x 3
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
10 Knees to elbows
10 Push-ups

6:43 working time... 59 burpees... 4 rounds plus 4 kte's. Its a strange feeling working out on muscle relaxers.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One Hundo Rd

A. Row for max meters in 5 minutes, 90% effort
Rest 2 minutes
B. AMRAP burpee pull-ups in 5 minutes, 90% effort
Rest 2 minutes
C. AMRAP Kettlebell swings in 5 minutes, 1 pood 90% effort

Actually did C, A, then B... Results were 125 kb swings, 1360m row, and 40 burpee pull-ups. The only one I didn't hit goal on was the burpees... I wanted to nab 50. Boo me.

Also did a mini push-up WOD: 28, rest 60 sec, 35, rest 60 sec, 25, rest 60 sec, and 22

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Powered Clean

AMRAP in 15 min:
5 Power Cleans, 70% 1RM
7 Handstand Push-Ups

Rolled with 135 on the barbell (70% of 195)... 35# dumbbells were the sub for hspu's. Coaches wanted us to do crown-to-the-ground today, and I don't have the strength to make it thru an entire WOD without abmats. I was going to use the 45# db's but after watching my partner struggle with just the 35's I thought twice. Wish I hadn't though. Total result was 13 rounds plus 2 cleans. Next time I def need to roll with 155 and 45's and shoot for an even 10. Good stuff today besides.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Imbalance Beam

A. Deadlift, 3RM with re-grip
B. Ring Rows, one attempt AMRAP
C. Tabata Push-ups

330# is the heaviest I could go with spot-on form and regrip today... Been trying to raise my hips a bit to keep that good lumbar curve, and I definitely feel the weight more in my hammies when I do. Grabbed a quick 12 on the ring rows. The push-ups went something like 20/17/11/10/9/8/8/8 for a total of 71.

Did 3 light sets (0 weight) of 10-15 on the reverse hyper and did some stretching. My left side low back is tighter than the right. My right calf is tighter than the left. Starting to wonder how many imbalances I have.

Friday, October 22, 2010

And Find That Person Is You

A. Clean-Hang Clean-Front Squat Progression (1-1-3), 5 sets
B. AMRAP in 5 min: 7 unbroken pull-ups
C. AMRAP in 3 min: 10 unbroken double-unders

a. Worked up from 40 kilos to a final set of 80kg... all sets were lookin and feelin good today. I'm a firm believer in ye olde hook grip.

b. We were runnin slow on the barbells so we skipped the group pull-up session and waited to do the double-unders with everybody. AFTER the du's I nabbed 13 unbroken sets in the 5 minutes.

c. I only got 10 unroken sets and A LOT of 7/8 sets. Not very impressive as a whole, but still an improvement for Mr me.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Row Sprints, 4 rounds:
20sec max effort
Rest 2:20

Rest 5:00

Row Sprints, 4 rounds:

20sec max effort
Rest 2:20

Did the workout as rx'd EXCEPT I did it on the Airdyne... horrible.
Results, in calories, were: 22|??|17|15 and 11|13|13|18

Also did a overhead squat warm-up... worked up to 135lbx3 before class started

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

On Your Hands and Knees Please

A1.) Deadlift 5x5 with regrip, rest 10 sec
A2.) Max push-ups in 60 sec x5


Did some mid-line/ab torture after... included flutter kicks, leg raises, and misc evil reverse plank holds
Also did the reverse hyper... 1x15 at 0lb, 2x10 @ 25lb, 2x10 @ 50lb

Warm Me Back Up

4 rounds, AMRAP in 3 min:
5 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood
7 Box Jumps, 24"
9 Abmat Sit-ups

Rest 6 min between rounds

Rolled rx'd and got:
4 full rounds +5 swings
3 full + 5 swings + 5 jumps
4 full + 5 swings + 1 jump
4 full + 5 swings + 5 jumps

Think that's about 16.5 rounds in all

100 Double-unders: 1:57
60 max consecutive (PR)

Reverse Hyper:
3x15 @ 25lb

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ride The Wave

Front Squat


I liked this WOD. The lighter loads on the 5's helped me to refocus on form/technique. The overall volume is intense. Could definitely feel my back/shoulders giving out as the WOD progressed, which dropped my elbows. But a good day.

The 95kg/209lb and 97kg/213.4lb loads were both PRs

After the WOD did 3x10 on the reverse hyper at 25#... got a good lil burn/hurt in the low back on the last set.

Weight: 169.1

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A1. Deadlift: 3-3-3-3-3; rest 10 sec

A2. 10 Heavy KB swings x 5 sets; rest 120 sec
B1. 5 touch and go Power Snatch @ 40% of 3RM you just established; rest 2 sec x 3 sets
B2. 10-15 burpees @ 100% (cut back the number if 100% cannot be maintained after 10 reps); rest 2 minutes x 3 sets

On the deads we did sumthin like  221/242/264/284/308 then did kb swings with ye olde 2 pood.
On the power snatch I rolled with 115 which I was having to press out on the 4th and 5th reps. Burpees were just burpees.

Did another timed 100 du's... nabbed a 1:44. Also did a 3 sets of AMRAP du's as I could do in a row. My best was 52 which is a PR for me!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lame Game

5 rounds for fastest times:

20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squats
Rest 3:00 between each set

No ab-mat so ran bareback on the ground.
3:00, 3:50, 5:13, 5:39, and 5:06
Total: 34:48 minus 12 minutes rest is 22:48
Worst Barb EVER... Seriously..

Weight: 172.0

Saturday, October 9, 2010

As Always

A. Back Squat, 3RM at a 30X2 tempo
B. Snatch (Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat + Snatch Balance) Complex x5
C. 3x20 medball sit-ups, 20lbs

a. 235 was my best load at legit tempo
b. 125 was my best complex. I'm getting the bar plenty high, but it's too far in front of me, and I'm not recieving it with my shoulders high and locked back.
c. Done and done

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cherry Poppin Daddies

4x5 minute rounds of AMRAP: 10 box jumps, 24"
10 burpees
10 DB snatch (either arm), 45#
10 Knees to elbows

Rest 3 min between rounds

Ran rx'd and pulled 9 rounds, 10 box jumps, and 1 burpee. Had to use a 20" box with a plate on top. Alternated arms 5/5 for snatches. Key to this was to not pop your cherry on the first round.

We also did 25 birthday burpees for Chase's gal Ashley.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Be On Dat Kryptonite

AMRAP in 10min of:
6 Squat-Cleans, 55kg
12 Pull-Ups
24 Double-Unders

Did it rx'd and got 4 full rounds, plus 6 cleans and 3 pull-ups... I'm ok with this result since those darn double-unders are my kryptonite and I was able to push through them (somewhat).

Tuesday, October 5, 2010



Cleans felt smooth today... actually felt like I was throwing it up higher than normal so catching it in a full squat was a lil awkward. First few jerks I was a having a prob with my grip. Caught it with my pinky UNDER the bar on one rep... dunno how that happens. As the weight went up I had a prob with getting low enough on my "push" and was dropping my elbows as I came down. Still a 13# improvement for me.

PR:  83 kg/182.6 lb
100 Double-Unders: 2:06

Monday, October 4, 2010



60kg/132lb was my heaviest successful lift today... a few pounds under my PR. According to the fellas I'm not using my hips AT ALL. I'm initiating my second pull waaay to close to my knees which is keeping the barbell far forward. I got in some good volume at lower loads (40 and 55kg) to work on my timing. Left arm/elbow was lagging behind as well.

Did 100 double-unders after just for grins. Gotta get better at these so I timed myself... 3:43. I just need to relax when I do du's. I have a tendency to try and go entirely too fast.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Deadlift: 3RM
AMRAP Calories rowed in 4 minutes
AMRAP Burpee broad jumps (in meters) in 4 minutes
AMRAP Double-Unders in 4 minutes

Didn't have it this morning... heaviest triple on deads was 325. Spence was giving me some tips on getting tight before approaching the bar. On the AMRAPs I nabbed 85 cals, 80 meters, and 40 du's + 263 singles. Lame

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

GI Average Joe

5 Rounds:
400m Run
20 Kettle-Bell Swings @ 53#
10 Pull-Ups
Rest 2:30

Guess this is like a Helen-and-a-half with rest? Rolled rx'd and nabbed splits of: 2:35, 2:40, 2:56, 3:33, and 3:17. That puts my working time at 15:01 and my total time with rest at 25:01. My time was on the slow side of average I'd say. I saw some guys as low as 21-22min total with a lighter kettlebell and a large group floating right around 23-24min marker as rx'd. I need to start running.

Weight: 169.9 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Horrible Fun

A1. Push-press @ 20X1: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 60 sec

A2. Ring row @ 2020: 10-15 reps; rest 60 sec
B. 3 sets at 100%: AMRAP burpees in 1 min; rest 3 min

Pushed 142, 154, 154, and 164x1 before running out of time. Did the ring rows as low and parallel as I could without a box under my feet.
On the burpees we got a little silly... I did 30 burpees the first minute, 24 "as high as possible" the second minute, then 16 "flipper" burpees the last minute. Horrible fun.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Back Squat 1RM

Back Squat AMRAP 85% 1RM

This is a similar albeit heavier version of a WOD we did just a few weeks ago. I continue to have problems with my knees tracking in. Especially on the left side. However, I was able to get 260#...  a five pound PR.

That put me at  221# for the AMRAP. Decided to go with 225 and got 15 or 16 reps. I honestly can't remember what the final number was. I know I def met my goal of 15 but not sure which rep I failed on, 16 or 17. Got the stanky leg fo sho.

Did some adductor work that Bill Starr recommended in the CrossFit journal. I kept the rep scheme lower because of the AMRAP, but did 4x5 wide stance squats (with toes straight ahead) at 135. Load wasn't too taxing but definitely had a "neurological" feel to it. When I got home my lateral quads (vastus lateralus) were screaming at me which is pretty unsual... we'll see how the legs feel manana.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mr Buck Wild

A. Weighted pull-ups: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2; rest 180 sec
B. 5 sets for max watts: 15 second row sprint; rest as needed
C. 100 GHD sit-ups, not for time, least amount of sets as possible

Warmed-up with 1000m row, some stretches, jump rope, and some dive bomber push-ups.

The heaviest double I was able to get legit today was 53# with a chain belt and kettlebell. I pulled 63# once.

Rows were outta control... We went buck-wild tryna get as much wattage as possible. The avg watts for my pulls ranged any where from 512 to 566. A lot of work to be done on my form here... espesh coming straight out tha gate (and keeping in the saddle). Corey was nabbing mid to high 600's and some of the taller/beefier fellas were gettin the same in the 700's. Crazee.

I did 3 sets of 25 before my low back started to spasm (my low back/left hip have been stoopid tight the last 24hrs)... didn't want to push my luck after that. All-in-all it was a casual friday at the box.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Make Room

AMRAP Handstand Push-Ups: 10 min
AMRAP Air Squats: 5 min
AMRAP Pull-Ups: 2 min
AMRAP Push-Ups: 1 min


Started with one abmat... after 10 reps I moved to 2 abmats. Lots of work to be done.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tempo People, TEMPO

A1. Back squat @ 30X1: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 30 sec
A2. 5 Box jump AHAP; rest 180 sec x 5
B1. 10 ring dips @ 3111; rest 45 sec x 4-5
B2. AMRAP kipping pull ups; rest 45 sec x 4-5
C. Med ball sit-up toss x 10; rest 60 sec x 3

Dunno if it was the early WOD or the rep cadence but the squats today weren't feelin real good. Did working sets of 205, 215, 225, and 230x1(f) before running out of time. That last set was feeling ok but I paused a tad bit too long at the bottom and couldn't dig myself out. Used a 30" box with 45 and 35 plates stacked on top.

Ring dips and pull-ups I did rx'd but only got 3 full sets in. I stuck with 25 pull-ups per round.

Med-ball sit-ups were just silly... used a 20# ball.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mind Games

4 Rounds for max reps:
30" Wall-balls, 20#
30" Burpees
30" Kettlebell Swings, 53#
30" Burpees
5 min Rest


Crashed and burned on that last one... the wall-ball bounced off the window and I caught it with my face. That put me back a few reps and I never recovered. Did 3x12 on the ab roller and 3x15 goodmornings with a green band after. Good stuff.


For Time:
30 Overhead Squats
50 Burpees

This is suppose to be a sadistic CFDC version of the ALREADY sadistic San Fran Crippler. I suppose the weight prescription would be 100% bodyweight for the "elite." Sam gave us a scale to base our loads off of, and with the results of the recent OHS x 15 WOD I went with a 70% prescription which put me right at 115# (70% of 167 is 116.9). I had a hard time stabilizing today. I was still able to get full depth on each rep (maybe too much depth) but felt shaky and uncontrolled. I busted my ass on one failure and nearly took my own head off when I went to re-rack on the final rep. On a positive note I was able to knock out my final 10 reps without failure/re-rack. Burpees were REDIC after the OHSs. Hip flexors and ant shoulders were on blast and I was sucking air. Total time was 6:58.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fun Fast Friday

Push Press

5 rounds:
45sec, max pull-ups (unbroken sets of 5)
90 sec rest

Did this with Chris... we had a full class so we weren't able to snag a power rack, it took us longer to get set-up, and we weren't quite able to finish all 10 push-press. Warmed up with the bar, 115, and 135. then started with 155 for my first round. Unfortunately I couldn't get 165 next. Tried it twice actually. So I dropped back down to 155. Got it. Threw on 160. Got it. Then threw the 165 back on and got that. Weird. My form was all over the place. But I finally got it locked down with the bar in full contact with my shoulders and a good, fast hip pop. It really helped me to take an extra deep breath and push my belly out to lock-in my spine. My former 1RM is 175 so I'm sorry I didn't throw at least that up today... but I think I could have gotten it (after getting locked in) had we had more time.

On the pull-ups I did 5-4-4-4-4... that's sets of 5, so we get a grand total of  105.
Also did 3x5 of strict press at 95 to finish things off.

Weight: 167.0

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Catch Me If You Can't

20sec on for total distance
100sec Rest
Repeat x 15

Avg 125m per round... hard work.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Ya Like Ya Eggs?

A. As many sets in 5min of: 25 Double-unders
B. Deadlift: 3RM

I got 6! or 7? Lost count so I went with the lower of the two... either way this is the most du's I've ever done.

On the deadlifts we warmed up then did  130kg/286lb, 140/308, 150/330, and 160/352. Was successful on all attempts but that last set of 352 came with some significant rounding. Meant to drop to 341 and get another "pretty" set but I was toast. A PR all the same...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Terminal Burp-o-locity

A1. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
A2. Pull-Ups 10-20 x5
B. Max Burpees in 20sec, rest 90sec x5

Moved 70kg/154lb, 85/187, 90/198, 92/202.4, and 95/209 (x2)... damn knees kept suckin in.
Ran with 15 pull-ups per round... guess that's 75 in all.

Snagged 11 burpees per round for a total of fiddy-five... just couldn't seem to get a full #12 in before the timer. Can't imagine goin any faster on these, not without sacrificing ROM anyway.

Friday, September 10, 2010


1.5K Run (1 mile)
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 5min of:
7 Pull-ups
3 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 5 min of:
3 Pull-ups
7 Burpees

Hmm... not sure how to feel about this one. I ran the 1 mile in 6:05 which is 7 sec off my PR, BUT I also haven't been running AND I'm on day 3 of a bad head cold. (Think snot. Lots of it.) I really started to feel the cold (mostly dehydration from all the meds) during the pull-up and burpees segments. I only got 7 rounds the first go 'round and 4 on the second.  I also gaffed up the instructions on the last round. I swear I read on the blog that we were cashing out on pull-ups in the final heat. I THOUGHT we were doing as many sets of 3 pull-ups in 5 minutes. But then I noticed some of the boys were still doing burpees and was thinkin WTF... I looked at the whiteboard and realized my mistake. SO I did 28 burpees in a row to get back in the rx'd zone and by the time I got done I was gassed. Oh well... still got a good workout.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Take A Knee

A1. Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3, rest 10sec
A2. Russian Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood 10-10-10-10-10, rest 10sec
A3. Broad Jumps 7-7-7-7-7, rest 2min

Did 155, 165, and 175 on the first 3 sets. My form went to crap at 175 so I dropped back down to 170 for the remaining 2 sets. I have a head cold today and almost didn't make it in (it's also sooper gloomy and rainy today.) Glad I did though, the crud in my sinuses loosened up and fell out of my face immediately after the WOD.

We also did 3x1min plank holds at the end of class, easy breezy EXCEPT someone kept putting their knee down and Chase penalized us 10 extra sec each time. I wonder who it was....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Model Citizen

Overhead Squat

300 Row/30 GHD sit-ups
200 Row/20 GHD sit-ups
100 Row/10 GHD sit-ups

Did a brief warm-up/stretch and got right to it. Guess I'll say mt first set was at 95#, then 115#, then a fail at 135# (only got it 6 times), THEN a successful attempt at 125#. That there is a PR for moi.

Didn't time the cookie, but did it nonetheless

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A. Power Clean and Push Press, 1RM

B. 800M Row

C. 75 Wall-balls, 20# ball

a. Was able to nab a legit 175# on the push-press... I think thats a PR.
b. 2:34 on the row... First time doing an 800, quads were on fire
c. 4:34 on the wall-balls which is a rediculosly slow time. My tri's and ant. delts were screaming at me! Couldn't suck it up.

All in all a fun day.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Damn I don't like the "games standard" for push-ups. Feels like I'm doing a bunch of single, bodyweight bench presses and have NO rhythm.  I did, however, keep a suprisingly decent rhythm on the du's.

13:48 rx'd (horrible)

Did 3x50 abmat sit-ups after

Monday, August 30, 2010

Findin Jesus


Back Squat
3x5, then AMRAP 75% 1RM

Hit a small 2lb PR on the jerk... 85kg/187lb. Kept hitting an "almost!" at 90/198. Next time I need to be faster (and lower) getting under the bar.

On back squat we did a few transition/warm-up sets then I did 90x5 and 95x5 before beginning the AMRAP (we were running out of time.) 75% of 255 be 191 so I put 87kg on the bar and did 24 of them bad-mama-jamas. Came forward on few reps and had to reset. Weaknesses/technique deficiencies were sooper obvious as the rep count got higher. Damn knees kept coming in.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Team "Done It Right"

As a team, AQAP:

Run 800m relay
Complete Base Station
25 handstand push-ups
Complete Base Station
25 burpees
Complete Base Station
50 push-ups
Complete Base Station

Base Station:
15 kettlebell swings, 53#
15 thrusters, 45#
15 abmat sit-ups
15 box jumps, 24"

Worked with big Jonathan, Will, and Josh on this. Total time was 23 sumthin. Had to sub a 30" box for box jumps since all the others were taken. Some teams said they finished around 13 minutes, but they do a full base station between each assigned exercise. Pretty fun chipper wod though.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Smile For the Camera

Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Hang Snatch

(Complete the entire complex without re-gripping)
Wow,  legs were STILL sore today. Actually, my adductors are the only muscles still wrecked. I tried like heck to get them loose, but I suppose it will take a few more days still. I decided to focus on technique and after looking back on June's attempt at this complex kept everything at 115# or below.  Think my sets were something like 95-95-105-110-115-115-95-95-95. I need to start catching video of myself if I want to get any better at this. I had a rep or two that felt REAL good... wish I knew what the difference in my form was. 
Afterwards, I watched some of the boys pull some big weight on deads (around 220kg). They had bands attached to the pull-up bar above to help get the weight out of the pocket, but then as the bands retract the load gets heavier at the top of the movement. Snazzy.  

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fall From

30 clean-and-jerks at 135#

5:20 on the finish. I don't. know. what's. happening. to. me.

Definitely time to reevaluate EVERYHTING


Monday, August 23, 2010

Death On Dyer

Death March
400m Overhead Walking Lunge with 45#

This was my first time on the Death March and I didn't fair well. I made it just across the street from the "No Parking" sign into the Ozona parking lot at what I think was the 20min mark. Sam had just shouted, "10 minutes left!" when I got there (we had a 30min cutoff), but then announced "1 minute!" shortly thereafter. Turns out someone called the police and we were told to get out of the street. Mixed blessing I guess.

This wasn't as bad on my legs as I thought it would be, but my shoulders were screaming. My left arm was actually going numb from the shoulder down. I did "sets" of 12 steps and rested between. I'd like another stab at this with a smaller class, lower heat (it was 105 today), and more ballz. Some of the guys/gals at the box murdered this today, especially Chase who had a 7min PR with 95#. Amazing.     

Thursday, August 19, 2010

High Fidelity

Power Clean

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
5 power cleans @ 75% 5RM
10 Burpees
30sec mandatory rest

A lil tricky doin this one solo... it was a make-up WOD that I missed on Monday. I had both my iPhone and G-Shock workin to time the 30sec intervals and the overall 15min of pure torture. My low back was shot today. I'm guessing from yesterday's kettlebell snatches. I was actually surprised at how sore I was getting out of bed this morning (shoulders, chest, and low back). So when workin up to a 5RM my performance was anything but impressive. Did 50, 60, 70, 80(x2), 75(x4), and 72kg. My previous PR was 195x5... nuff said. I just didn't have any pop/speed/mojo in my pull today. After grazing thru the blog I decided to run with 62kg (136.4) on the metcon since this was close to what a lot of guys my size were doing. Ended up squeezing out a lack-luster 8.5 rounds.

ps day 2 of the mud butt

weight: 171.0    

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hurtin' For O's

Overhead Squat

Kettlebell Snatch Ladder
1-10 @ 53#

50 Knees-to-Elbows for time

Started with 50kg/110#x5 after a quick warm-up then did 55/121x5, 60/132x5, and 65/143x4 before we ran out of time. We did 5 hspu's after each set of the overheads. I should have gotten that 5th rep at 65 but I didn't take-in enough air before locking everything down so mid-rep I had to gasp for air and lost my stability.

Self-imploded on the snatch ladder. My time was 9:08 rx'd. Most of the leaders were in the 5-6min range. I'm gonna chalk that one up to too much beer over the weekend... had some diarrhea too. That might have helped dehydrate me as well.

Got a 3:48 on the knees-to-elbows ALTHOUGH I did it with toes-to-bar. No kip. I was a lil late starting this since I was still hurtin for some oxygen after the ladder, so I got a longer/full recovery before diving in.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Now Walk It Out, Walk It Out, Walk It Out

Back Squat


Bouts to leave town for the weekend so I did a WOD on my own today. Needs strength so needs to move barbells. Went with squats/dealifts since my shoulder girdle is still pretty tight.

On squat I warmed-up with 10x20kg/45#, 5x60/132, 3x70/154, 3x90/198. Working sets were 3x95/209, 3x100/220, 2x105/231, 3x102/224, and 2x103/226. I got the 3rd rep "up" at 105/231, but was leaning forward and had to walk it out a bit so I didn't count it. I didn't attempt a 3rd 103/226 rep because my 2nd was a such a long, slow fight to get up... but I got it.

On deads did a quick lil transition with 5x70/154 and 3x110/242 warm-up sets. Working sets were 3x140/308, 3x145/319, 3x150/330, 1x155.341, and 1x152/334. My last 2 sets were fail. My body was done. It was a fight to get each of those reps off the ground and I was sooper dizzy when I did. Grip was a bitch too with my happy lil skin tear. Still a good day me thinks.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010




AMRAP Burpees in 2 minutes

Had a not-so-good day in the box today. I contribute this to a couple of factors...
1.) I was a bit sluggish from drinkin a tad too much wine last night
2.) my shoulders were plenty sore/stiff from yesterday's WOD
3.) a huge skin tear was messin with my head/grip

All excuses, er uh... FACTORS aside I still had a small PR on the cleans, albeit a small and ugly one. My problem today was getting my elbows around the bar and recieving it properly. I've never had this problem before, and I'm definitely attributing it to factors 2 and 3. My stance was also a lil too wide. By the end of it I only grabbed 85kg/187# on my best lift, which is a PR by 7#.

On the jerk I didn't have any snap-and-pop. I was slow getting under the bar and kept tryna catch in a weird lil high-stance-split. Corey also pointed out that I wasn't keeping my elbows high and shelving the bar on my chest at the start of the lift (a frequent mistake of mine). By this time frustration was in full effect and I only caught 80kg/176# on my best attempt. Gay.

Burpees were actually kinda fun today. Corey, Jack, and myself lined up on the mats to knock these out together (we were the last to go). The three of us were neck-and-neck to the very end, and we all busted out 50+ burpees. I grabbed 51. Think the high for the day was 54 from Chase.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rowed Kill


Time Trial: 1500m Row

Hate the strict press and it hates me... warmed up with 10x45 and 95x5 then did 115x5, 125x4, and 130x1.5 (I think that's how it all went down).

The 1500m row was a lesson in pain management. It was a Pass/Fail course... think I failed. I wanted to keep a 1:40 split avg, but stayed at 1:43 the majority of the time (always sub 1:45). This was a pretty comfortable pace and I was actually able to speed up in the last 300m to finish strong(ish). Pulled a 5:10:2. The goal next time will be to nab a sub-5min.

Weight: 170.0

Monday, August 9, 2010

My Ten Cents

Front Squat

AMRAP 5min of:
5 unbroken pull-ups

2 Rounds for time:
400m run
15 db Hang Snatch @ 45# (each hand)

Got up 195# on the front squats (PR). Started a set at 200# but started to go into a choking fit (because of the barbell in my larynx) so only got 2 reps at that load. After every set of squats we did 5 box jumps on the 30" box.

Pull-ups were a sneaky little exercise. Just when you start to get tired is when you need to go the fastest (because you begin to run out of time). I ended up doing 18 rounds in the 5 min which is 90 pull-ups. Was hoping to hit 20.

Not sure what happened on the met-con, but apparently I was moving super slow. I rolled with the rx'd 45's and ended up with a 7:52. I'm starting to question that time though because I was the first one done in my heat and the average time in the gym today was closer to 5 min. Oh well... maybe I 'm just a ruh-tard.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Dead Legs on the Ass-Fault

400m Sprints

We did 5 of these bad boys in the 102 degree heat... brutal. I almost didn't go today because my legs were still plenty sore from this week's WODs (and I felt really groggy this a.m., dunno why), but decided to suck it up and head-out anyway. Glad I did, but my legs definitely didn't have the juju today. By the third 400 they just felt heavy and almost uncontrollable. Breathing was decent, even though it felt like we were doing the WOD in a dry sauna.

Times were: 1:06, 1:10, 1:29, 1:23, and 1:22

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Persistently Consistently

7 rounds:
5 push-press, 155#
15 unbroken wall-balls

Ran with 125# and scored a 10:58. We cleaned the weight up for each round of presses. My goal was to set a pace that I could maintain throughout the WOD, so I was a little slow coming out of the gate compared to some of the other guys (but came out the other side with a decent time). So I guess we'll say mission accomplished. I think the weight was a good choice for me since I was able to do all 7 rounds of 5 presses unbroken as well. I might have had a few re-dips, but I tried to stay as "strict" push-press as I could. I was sweating so much today that the wall-ball was hard to hold on to, redic.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Power Snatch

Tabata Pull-Ups
Rest 4min
Tabata Air Squats
Rest 4min
Tabata Row

F*ck I hate being rushed on our lifts. F*ck I love getting some actual coaching (thanks SP). F*ck I hate having a bad day in the gym. F*ck I love knowing there's a new WOD tomorrow.

95/115/135x2ish (2nd attempt I didn't get full lock-out at the elbow and had to press it out)
89 pull-ups + 134 air squats + 56 cals on rower = 279 (ugh, I also hate being fat)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Deuces Wild

Back Squat

Quick warm-up and got right to it... 10 reps with the bar, 5 at 60kg/132#, then 2 at 70kg/154#, 85kg/187#, 95kg/209#, 100kg/220#, 105kg/231#, and 110kg/242#. I tried and failed at 115kg/253#, then 112kg/246#. Got a second workout out just doing metric conversions.

Weight: 171.9

Wednesday, July 28, 2010




Legs and low back were pretty tight today, but got to the box a lil early and warmed-up fairly well. Ran with ye olde split jerk on these and tossed up 160x3, 175x2, and 185x2 (10# PR). I went for 195 on the 1x and failed... 3 times. Soooo close tho! Tweaked my back a bit on the second 185 catch and think that was holding me back mentally. I rolled it out immediately and it's a wee bit tight now, but its ok.
Press was a joke after all the jerk... think I did 95x3, 105x3, 125x2, and 105x4. Shoulder strength is still pathetic. Dunno how I've survived this long.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Looky Looky LuLu

AMRAP in 5 min:
Row 1000m
AMRAP burpees in the remaining time

Rest 5 minutes

AMRAP in 5 min:
Row 1000m
AMRAP DB Squat Clean (45#/30#) in the remaining time

Then, Overhead Squats:

Did a quick warm-up then got divided into 2 groups for the WOD. Unfortunately, I was in the group that had to do the met-con first... no bueno. Kept my average speed right at 1:40/500m
for the first thousand then snagged 27 burpees. Speed was in the 1:50's/500m for the second thousand and wrenched out a measly 7 squat cleans after that.
I had hoped to PR on OHS's today, but after the met-con my goal was just to meet my last PR of 155#. We used kilos so technically I only nabbed 154#... but I'll take it.

Weight: 170.9

Monday, July 26, 2010

Don't I Know You?

AMRAP in 2o minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
Every 3 rounds do 3xdeadlift at 80% 1rm

Interesting twist on the WOD today... funny thing is I've only done one legit Cindy and I think it was at the very begining of my CrossFit adventure. I need to bust one out so I have a true baseline. Today would not have been a good time to attempt that though, it was stoopid full at the nooner today. Space on the pull-up bar was LIMITED. Heck, I could hardly find a spot on the floor to do push-ups. Add to that the new "hands-off" standard on push-ups and my shitty score today starts to make a little since. I was only able to knock-out 13 rounds, 5 pulls, and 6 pushes before the clock ran out. I did the deads at 280#.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Carrie Carried Me

Two rounds for time of:
70 thrusters (155/105lbs.)
50 chest-to-bar pull-ups
100 meter buddy carry

Rolled with Dave, Jaimie, and Carrie on this and it was a lot of fun... more fun than I would have anticipated anyway. We scaled the thrusters to 135 and the gals scaled to 85. Total time was 17:11. Carrie threw down on the thrusters doing sets of 3-4 while the rest of us did doublets. I'm guessing I did somewhere between 20 to 30 thrusters all in all. Gotta say it was kinda weird being carried by a girl... but still better than being on Dave's backside.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nine Ten

135# snatch

Scaled those darn snatches to an even 100# and they felt pretty good. Dave noticed my form and commented that I had several solid catches. Muscle-ups were def the limiting factor at this weight. Gotta say watching the big dawgs do this at 135 (and sub 7min) was more than impressive.

Total time was 9:10

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


1200m run
63 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
36 pull-ups
800m run
42 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
24 pull-ups
400m run
21 kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
12 pull-ups

All I can say is UGH... 29:40

Friday, July 16, 2010


Still wrecked from "Jason" so I didn't do "Cindy" today, but did some deadlifts... worked up to a heavy 5.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No Hablo

Work up to a heavy single using resistance bands

"The Classic"
10 rounds AQAP:
10 pull-ups
10 ring dips

Dos cientos curenta cinco con los bandas gris

14:21 scaled to 7 ring-dips per round

Neuromuscular Clusterfuck

Overhead Squats

Tabata Row

155x3 was my bestest... had to fight for it, nervous system was TAXED
936m total meters on the row ftl

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Redux Sux


100 squats
5 muscle-ups
75 squats
10 muscle-ups
50 squats
15 muscle-ups
25 squats
20 muscle-ups

Only got to 175# before we ran out of time... I was feelin good at the 175, my split was quick and stable today. Maybe could have nabbed another 10# on the heavy 3? Maybe more? Still definitely a PR for me.
I sucked ass on "Jason" though, came in an easy 6 minutes slower than my last attempt at this WOD. I'm not real suprised... training has been incosistent and diet has been anything but clean. Think my final time was 24:?? rx'd. Pathetic. OTTNO

After today (and today's news) I really feel its time to get back in it... I think I found my mojo. My libido. My life force. My essence. The right stuff. What the French call a certain... I don't know what.

Friday, July 9, 2010


5 rounds:
5 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
5 front squats
5 push-jerks

135 was final successful series... was 3 reps shy of completing 155. Dialed it down to 147 and still missed it by 3. Gay

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Seattle Skin

Back Squat

3 rounds:
200m farmer's carry with 2pood
25 pull-ups

205# on my 2nd set... DNF FML FTL OMG JK ABC LMNOP
Met-con: 10:52 with fiddy-threes

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Simple Complexities

Snatch Complex (x8)

Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Hang Snatch

(Complete the entire complex without re-gripping)

THEN... 10 x 100m sprint, full recovery

Only made it about 5 rounds of each... I think mostly due to class size. I liked the complex a lot, it really helped me feel the difference in each movement, no matter how subtle. The hang snatch portion was the most uncomfortable for me... dunno why its so awkward really, but I kept wanting to catch it in the power position. My form actually got better as the load went up. With the lighter bars I was pulling the bar too far back (behind my head) and losing balance. Working sets were 45, 65, 85, 95, 105, and 115lbs.

The sprints were kinda silly. We did them in the street, uphill, in huge heats. I stayed consistent at 13 sec per round... we only did 4 before wrappin it up for the day, traffic started to become an issue. Even still, I can't wait to feel my hammies tomorrow... gonna be doin some serious CrossFit shufflin'.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pins And Needles

Power Clean

Secret Service Snatch Test:
10 minute,s max one-handed snatches @ 1.5 pood (53#)

First day back from about a 3 week hiatus... felt good*. Worked with J. Rader and scored a 15# PR on the cleans. The loads were 95-115-135-165-175-185-190-195. Got a lil ugly towards the end (was going wide with my stance and losing lumbar) but got it up nonetheless.

Went with 44# kb's on the snatch test. Alternated 5 per hand and took small breaks after each 20. It was raining and humid so I kept having to re-chalk. I ended up with a mediocre 147 reps. Shoulders felt good, but I was gettin gassed and wanted to barf on more than one occasion. Guess that's what first days back are all about.

Weight: 167.9 (without shoes)

*felt good but hammies/calves were sooper tight and got a touch of plantar faciaitis in the right foot

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Press, Push, Swing!
1. Press 1RM in 4 minutes
2. Tabata push-ups
3. AMRAP KBS in 4 minutes (m1.5/w1 pood)

With an empty bar as your starting point, add or subtract weights as needed on a 4 minute timer to determine your Press 1RM; once the 4 minutes is up, you have a 10 sec break before you begin 8 sets of Tabata Push Ups (20 sec work/10 sec rest) scored by the lowest # of reps you do in a set; once you have finished your last set of push ups, you have 10 sec before embarking on a 4 minute swing session with your favourite piece of metal for total reps.

Press: 125#... Check
Tabata: 15/15/15/15/11/11/9/9... Check
DB Snatch: 56 @ 45... Check
Patty-cake Abdominals... CHECK!

Total: 190

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Hang Power Snatch

5 rounds, not for time:
1 strict muscle-up + 10 ring dips

Unbroken Wall-Ball:
10 sets of 10 unbroken wall-ball for time, 20 pound ball

125# (a little ugly, came forward a bit)
5 rounds: 1 strict mu and 8 (mostly) strict ring dips
Not sure of my time on the wallballs... finished after Rylan, but pretty sure I did more than 100

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Back Squat
Heavy triple

21-15-9 reps AQAP:
Thruster, 95 pounds
Deadlift, 225 pounds

225x3 solo
235x3 with coach
9:30 rx'd

My head was spinning so much it felt like I was doing the WOD on a merry-go-round... oh well, on to tha next one.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


"The San Francisco Crippler"
30 bodyweight back squats
1000m row

6:50 rx'dish... about 4 lbs off bw @ 165

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Burpee Belly

Pressing Complex:
Press, heavy single
Push-Press, heavy triple
Jerk, heavy five

Burpee/Box Jump Interval
3 rounds for total time:
15 burpees
20 box jumps
15 burpees


SOUP SANDWICH today. I took a nose dive off a box and almost "lost it" on the gym floor. Oh well... NEXT!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Squat and Run

Back Squat

Run 800m repeats
3 rounds, for lowest time

225, 245(1), 250
225, 245(1), 255

Best 800m was 2:31 BUT we only did one for time

Friday, May 7, 2010

Muscle-Up Power Clean Couplet


7 rounds AQAP:
3 muscle-ups
7 power cleans, 115 pounds

175 PR
6:38 with 115# and 2 mu's per round

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

El Hefe

Front Squat
Score 15 GHD sit-ups after each heavy triple

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
5 handstand push-ups
10 wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
30 double unders

195x3, 205x2, 205x2

6 full rounds: 1 abmat for 2 rounds, 2 the rest
Subbed double singles for double-unders

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Pint of the Black Stuff Landlord

5 rounds, AQAP, for total time:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

19:43 workin

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lover Boy

Score 5 controlled handstand push-ups after each triple.

5 Power snatch, 135 pounds
30 Wall-ball, 20 pounds
10 Power snatch, 135 pounds
20 Wall-ball, 20 pounds
15 Power Snatch, 135 pounds
10 Wall-ball, 20 pounds

7:19 @ 105#
sloppy... real effin sloppy
kinda like sam's love life
happy birfday killa

Monday, April 26, 2010


Hang Snatch

1000m row


Monday, April 19, 2010

Under The Knife

Back Squat

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 weighted pull-ups, 45 pounds
10 overhead squats, 135 pounds

7 full + 5 pu's @ 95/20

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Back Squat
In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy 10 reps

3 rounds AQAP:
300m row
10 burpees


Tuesday, April 6, 2010



Interval AMRAP
For total reps:
Two minutes of Wall Ball Shots (20/12 lbs.)
60 seconds of Rest
Two minutes of Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
60 seconds of Rest
Two minutes of Box Jumps (24″/18″)
60 seconds of Rest
Two minutes of Rowing (for calories)

365 (ugly pr by 10)


late start on first heat... dunno what the heck I was doing that i didn't hear the 3,2,1

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Turn, Turn, Turn, Burn


400m Repeats
4-6 attempts

Crash-and-burn 1:03/1:15/1:16/1:17

couldn't jerk it... strained me bicep

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some Strange

Front Squat

After each set of front squats, complete 5 handstand push-ups and 10 strict pull-ups.

Dumbbell Fran
21-15-9 reps AQAP:
DB thrusters, 45# dumbbells

195x4.5... so effin close to a PR
6:33 rx'd

Monday, March 22, 2010


Hang Clean

Complete 10-15 reps of GHD sit-ups after each set of cleans

For total calories:
Row sprint 1 min
Rest 4 min
Row sprint 1 min
Rest 3:30 min
Row sprint 1 min
Rest 3:00
Row sprint 1 min
Rest 2:30
Row sprint 1 min

went ruhtarded at 195
141 cals

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Extra Credit

Bent Over Row

Austin Sectional WOD #2
3 rounds AQAP:
4 Handstand push-ups
8 Ground to Overhead, 135 pounds
12 Burpees

4x400m sprints

11 flat with 135 and 1 abmat (2 abmats on last 3 hspu)
4x400m 1:15/?:??/1:19/1:18

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deuce And a Half

Front Squat

100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats

2.5 x 205
16:17 rx'd

Monday, March 1, 2010

Da Ferst of Da Month

A. AMRAP in 4 minutes: 5 unbroken bench press (135/85)
Rest exactly 2 minutes
B. AMRAP in 4 minutes: 10 unbroken DB walking lunges (45/30 e/hand)
Rest exactly 2 minutes
C. AMRAP in 4 minutes: 15 unbroken hip/back extensions
Rest exactly 2 minutes
D. AMRAP in 4 minutes: 20 unbroken double unders

7 bench/7 lunge/7 ghd/5x10 du's

Sunday, February 28, 2010

CFDC Evenings With Your Host, Sammuel Nix

7 rounds, AQAP:
7 hang power snatch, 135 pounds
100m shuttle run
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups

17:26 @ 105#

First day back in the box since Hawai'i... need. more. strength.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Aloha Bitches

Went to Oahu for about 10 days and kicked it North Shore with the one and only Dave P. Fulton. Stayed active with swimming, surfing, sponging, and getting my ass handed to me by Waimea (thank you luv) but while I was there I also worked in a couple of WODs at CrossFit Oahu. The first was a half Murph which was:

800m run
50 pull-ups
100 push-ups
150 squats
800m run

I don't remember my exact time but it was decent. The second WOD was a jerk and muscle-up WOD at 135#. Again, I don't remember my time but I DO remember getting owned by that barbell. I earned the Taro Banana Pancakes that day.
I also worked in some hikes while I was on island. I did a quick trail run up Koko Head and did a longer, treacherous solo climb up the Haiku Ladder. Both were sooper fun.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Infinity And Beyond

Clean and Jerk
Work up to a heavy double, no more than 85-90% of your 1RM

30 Clean and Jerks, 135 pounds

Not sure what I worked up to on the clean-and-jerks. Checked my log and I had done Grace rx'd before: 5:05 previous, 4:09 today... 3:00 tomorrow!


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hurry Up!... And Wait

Low Bar Back Squat
Heavy triple

AMRAP in 20"
5 Unbroken handstand push-ups
10 Box jumps
15 Glute-ham hip-back extensions

245(x3), 265(x1) ugh... dnf
13 ghd's away from 10 complete rounds
Used 1 abmat for 8 rounds, failed, then went to 2

Kind of a strange met-con for me... it was hurry, hurry, hurry then wait, wait, wait

Monday, February 15, 2010

Third And Long

"Quarter Gone Bad"

Five rounds, for total reps of:
15 seconds Thrusters, 135 pounds
Rest 45 seconds
15 seconds Weighted pull-ups, 50 pounds
Rest 45 seconds
15 seconds Burpees
Rest 45 seconds

The clock is continuously running. Move from station to station until all five rounds are complete.

88 @ 135/45
23 thrusters
24 pull-ups
41 burpees

Friday, February 12, 2010


21 Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 135 pounds
800m run
50 Ring dips
800m run
21 Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 135 pounds

12:40 @ 135# sub row

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Back Squat

"Heavy Helen"
3 rounds, AQAP:
400m run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood
12 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

245, 260(f), 255(f)
10:32 rx'd

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

W/G/M Mash-Up

With a continuously running clock:
5 minutes: obtain a heavy single on snatch
5 minutes: AMRAP of chest-to-bar Cindy
5 minutes: max calories rowed
From the first second of snatching to the last second of rowing, the clock does not stop.
1 round of Cindy: 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats

135+215+82=4325# PR on the snatch

Front Squat: worked up to 208x3, then 213x2, then 208x2
Press: worked to 120x3, then 130(f), then 125x2... Ugh

Friday, February 5, 2010

Noah's Ark

Overhead Squat

5 rounds, AQAP:
10 Thrusters, 95 pounds
20 Pull-ups

95x15, 105x15, DNF... hyper-weak-sauce
13:26 rxd

Thanks for the tips/push Noah... always appreciate it! Gotta get that thruster technique squared away... I'm wayyy too loose on those things

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Get Tall

Tall Clean

30 Box jumps, 20 inch box
12 Burpees
12 Cleans, 135 pounds
20 Box jumps, 20 inch box
9 Burpees
9 Cleans, 135 pounds
10 Box jumps, 20 inch box
6 Burpees
6 Cleans, 135 pounds

7:15 rx'd

Monday, February 1, 2010

On The Move

Weighted Pull-Ups

Partner Running Cindy
With a partner, as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes:
400m run
1 round of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)

50x2(double damn)

Did the met-con with Tolbs, we were 9 squats short of 17 rounds and ran 5 laps (1.25 miles) each. Thinkin we ran too much/too fast.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dead Dead

Clean Pull

Death By Everything
Complete as many reps as possible, resting 2 minutes between the completion of each movement set:

2 Push-ups on the first minute, 4 push-ups the second minute, 6 push-ups the third minute, etc., until you can no longer make that rep number in the alloted 60 seconds.

Rest 2 minutes

3 Sit-ups on the first minute, 6 sit-ups the second minute, 9 sit-ups the third minute, etc., until you can no longer make that rep number in the alloted 60 seconds.

Rest 2 minutes

4 Squats on the first minute, 8 squats the second minute, 12 squats the third minute, etc., until you can no longer make that rep number in the alloted 60 seconds.

I did sit-ups first, then push-ups, and squats...
Sit: 36
Push: 30
Squat: 48 (at the buzzer)

285x3 on the clean pull

Monday, January 25, 2010


21 Thrusters, 135 pounds
800m row
50 Handstand push-ups
800m row
21 Thrusters, 135 pounds

120# thrusters
All 50 with 2xabmats

Dunno my time... hoping it was under 40 (seriously)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Late To Bed, Early To Rise

Bench Press

7 rounds, AQAP for total time:
7 Right arm power snatch, 45 pound dumbbell
7 Left arm power snatch, 45 pound dumbbell
7 Right arm kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
7 Left arm kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
10 Burpees

185x3,190x2 blah
17:05(11:05) rx'd blah blah
"Obviously Fear is not a Factor" (but sleep is)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Consult Your Physician

Back Squat x3

Deadlift/Thruster Couplet
21-15-9 reps AQAP:
Thruster, 95 pounds
Deadlift, 225 pounds

225x3 solo
235x3 with coach
9:30 rx'd

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Man Of Wealth And Taste

Heavy 5

4 rounds, AQAP:
400m run
50 air squats


10:59 2L2Q

This met-con was the first and only WOD I DNF... we did it 06/29/09. My low-back seized-up and the pain had me writhing on the ground. Happy to have had the chance reintroduce myself. Thanks for the mojo Chase

ps Chris Spealler has done this in 8:33 (if not faster)

Monday, January 18, 2010

400 Club... Let Us Pray


*After every heavy single, attempt AMRAP of handstand push-ups

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Ring push-ups
10 Knees-to-elbows

355... 20# PR
10/9/7 hspu's (1 abmat) PR!... proud of this one : )

8 rounds, 5 pu's rx'd

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Buddy and Meeee

Back Squat

With a partner:
As many meters rowed as possible in 12 minutes. You may switch as often as possible.

215x5 solo
225x5 with coaching assistance?
both are/would be pr's
3105 row with Drew... good workin with you D!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

30/30 Club ESPN On Tha Screen

Hang Snatch
Work up to a heavy single

5 rounds for total reps:
Kettlebell swing (1.5 pood), 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Double unders, 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

88/175 rx'd

BONUS ROUND: tabata ring dips (kipping): 12/12/10/10/6/6/6/4
crash and burn baybeee!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Turkish Get Up
Heavy single, each arm

7 rounds, AQAP:
5 Thrusters* (start from the ground each rep)
10 Ankles to bar

*Increase thruster weight by 10 pounds each set

Need to work on those get-ups... Dunno why they feel so awkward. Maybe because they're Turkish?
14:34 85-145#
There was a huge vacuum where my intensity should have been this morning... Ugh
Threw down on some fish oils today... and some Kozy


Monday, January 11, 2010

Down Set Hut Hut

Bench Press/Ring Row
5 Bench press (work up to a heavy 5)
Rest 90 seconds
20 Supinated ring rows
Rest 90 seconds

5 Rounds:
6 Sandbag shouldering (each shoulder)
3 x 20 yard suicide run.

185x5... Stuck with 15 rows rx'd
5 rounds with the benji

Friday, January 8, 2010

3 attemps at max reps with 2x Bodyweight

20 ball slams @ 20lb
10 standing broad jumps

275x15 (~1.75bw)
6.5 rounds

Ugh... just didn't have it today

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm So Sin-Surr

AMRAP bodyweight in 90 sec

Went with 135 which is 85% of my bodyweight. I tried to throw bw up (160) but couldn't even lock-it out once. I nabbed 12 reps in the 90 sec, but had a few "re-dips" me thinks. I'd say 3 were technically jerks (if I had to guess).

Tabata Mash-up:
Air squats
C2B pull-ups

Squats were: 22/21/20/20/18/19/19/19
C2B were: 14/13/10/8/8/7/6/6

I hit 7 on the last two sets of C2B, but didn't quite make full contact with my chest so I'm not going to count them. They wouldn't in a comp. Pretty disappointed I didn't maintain 20 reps on all the squats... but I definitely blame the GHDSUs I did the day before.

A little foot note: My hip flexors IMMEDIATELY froze up after this WOD... haven't been able to walk normally since. dayum

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Drink These Draining Seconds

Front Squat

With a partner, AQAP:
21-15-9 cal row
max thrusters for each interval

Felt sooper shitty today, and think it can be 100% contributed to diet. I ate a big breakfast before heading to the box, but don't think I ate it EARLY enough. Plus, I had 2 cups of coffee with it and NO water. I think hydration was the biggest factor here. As soon as I started moving during the warm-up I got dizzy/lightheaded and weak. Kept thinking I was going to blow chunks too, with breakfast still sitting on my gut. But, I sucked it up and did some work. No time for bullshit.
On the front squats I worked up to 185# for my final successful set of 5. The next set I hit 195# for 4 reps before failure. SO CLOSE.
Worked the met-con with E. She started on row, I was on thrusters with 95#. I believe my counts for each interval were 18-10-5, but Jamie was counting for me so I'm not 100% on that.
We ended the party with tabata GHD sit-ups. My dumbass opted to roll with a 10# plate on my chest. My lowest rep count was 9... Oh, and I threw up in my mouth and swallowed it. Is that paleo? I dunno... but it's definitely WIN.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hands-On Training

Power Clean

Then, 10 Rounds:
10 dealifts, 135#
10 push-ups

Hands can never leave the bar, 5 burpee penalty for each infraction if you do.

Cleaned 135-155-170-185(fail)-175-180-DNF... Ran out of time and didn't get to do my last set of 3. Had some sloppy reps in there where my feet went WAY too wide. Actually did a squat clean on another not-so-perfect rep. I attempted the 185 for my first set of 3, but couldn't even
get it off the ground once. Think I could've bagged it on my last set had I more time... next time.
On the met-con I pulled a 9:12 with no penalties. In fact, no one in our class was charged any. I am 99% certain I did AT LEAST 11 rounds on this, and I'm thinking I might have even done 12. I remember 2 distinct times having lost count and going with the lower number of sets, but who's to say... guess I'll find out next time I do this WOD. The push-ups went a lot smoother than I had anticipated. I went unbroken for the first 5 sets, then on the remaining sets went unbroken for the first 5 of each set, then did 3 and 2 to finish out on all but the last set which I had to do 2 singles.

weight: 161.9

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Track Of Tears

RUN 5 minutes
rest 2:30
RUN 6 minutes
rest 3:00
RUN 7 minutes

Hit goal for each interval! 3.25 laps, 3.5 laps, and 4.125 laps. That's ALMOST 3 miles in 18 minutes : )

Did 5x5 shoulder press after. Warmed up then worked to 105#. Did 110# for 2 reps before failure (did push-press to close-out the set). 105 was definitely a 5 rep max.