Thursday, April 30, 2009

Skin Juice... Yum!

The WOD rx'd:

3 minutes max reps suicide run, 10 meters

Rest 2 minutes

3 minutes max reps deadlift, 275#

Each time we ran 10m we slapped our hands on the deck and this counted as one point, then we ran back 10m and slapped again. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth... you get the idea. My total count was 48.
The fastest 2 minutes of my life then passed and the next thing I know I'm pulling my dizzy butt up to the barbell. I scaled the weight down to 225# to keep my output high. I pulled a treacherous 29 reps. I kept my form for the majority of the movements, but Sam did correct my "saggy-back" a little past midway. I left a puddle of my skin juice on the gym floor. I need to get Gatorade sponsorship.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jalopeno Aveoli

3 Rounds, for time:

10 Clean and Jerk, 135 pounds
15 Ring Dips
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53 pounds

I did this with 105# and I used a red band for the ring dips. The biggest hurdle to my time was the cleans/jerks which just ATE the clock... those damn cleans always make me breathe fire! I was able to cruise through the dips and swings with very little rest. Again, I can't remember my time... wanna say around 12min? Gotta get back on track with my posts.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Crazy Hazy Days

Well this is my first day back in the gym since I left town for the Larry Joe Taylor Music Festival and Chili Coook-off which was a 5 day drinking and eating marathon... not exactly the epitome of health. The WOD:


Snatch, 135 pounds
100m Sandbag carry

I went with 105# on the snatches and a full 100# on the sandbag run. This was a fun little number and I knocked it out pretty quickly. I think this was the most confident I have been thus far with my snatches, and know I could have done more weight (which is a great thing). I can't remember my exact time but I want to say it was 9 sumthin... guess my brain is still in an alcoholic haze.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My First Fran

Today's rx'd WOD was "Heavy Fran" which is:


135# Thrusters
45# Weighted Pull-Ups

Unfortunately my strength and fitness abilities are not up to par as of yet, and I was forced to scale this beast down. My hips were also very tight from the week's collective training modalities AND I didn't get much sleep/recovery due to my work schedule which forced me to hit-up the 7am class. I think I might have gotten a max 6 hrs. Alright, I'm done whining.

I went with 95# and 20# respectively and pulled a total time of 9:49. The 20# was a db I held between my legs... not fun. In the interest of time, I dropped the db during the set of 12 and pulled body weight for half of the set since I was gassed and super strugglin to get my chin over the bar. I HIGHLY recommend a weight vest or waist strap for any multiple of weighted pull-ups. My nuggets was screamin'.

Weight: 170.0

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grip That Snatch And Pull

Today's WOD was 10 rounds for time of:

5 185# snatch grip deadlifts
4 jumping lunges
3 handstand push-ups

We did a short warm-up then started on the deadlifts working up to a heavy set of 3. I topped out at 265#. On these snatch grips I gotta remember to get my hips lower than norm AND especially lower than my shoulders. Also, on ALL deadlifts I gotta work on synchronizing my hips and shoulders so that they come up in unison. My shoulders have a tendency to come up early. I did a 1 rep max snatch grip deadlift in February (02/16/09) and pulled 285# so a 3 x 265# ain't too shabby. That's 93% of my max pulled 3 times.

On the WOD I used two abmats on the hspu's and made it through all 30 reps. This is a personal best. The jumping lunges were just silly. My total time was 8:49.

Weight: 169.8

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Calories? Blocks? Paleo? Conundrum

In an effort to maximize my potential I've been seeking an optimized diet to follow. The link below helps explain the problems I've been facing. I need to make a decision soonish. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

All Kinds of F*cked Up

So today's WOD started off as 3 rounds of:

7 Muscle-Ups (sub 3 pull-ups/3 ring dips per)
15 225# deadlifts
1000m row

Apparently this was WAY too long for us to finish in a 1 hour session with such a large group so the deadlifts were cut down to 10 reps and the row was cut to 300, but we added a 4th round. I scaled the deadlifts down to 185# to help me stay consistent. I used a red band on the ring dips. On the pull-ups I started with body weight then halfway through had to use a red band. Sam says my total time was 20:17 but I don't see how this could be right since I finished before some of the folks in the first heat (I was in the second). Anywho, it was a good WOD and people were breathing fire and running around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for an empty station. I hope to get wrecked doing the original WOD some day.

Monday, April 13, 2009


This is fast becoming a Monday morning tradition...

Swim: 9:48
Push-Ups: 66
Sit-Ups: 101
Pull-Ups: 11
Run: 10:15

Took it easy on the swim and still pulled a decent time, felt good. Push-ups need A LOT of work. On the sit-ups I took a brief rest at 60 which I didn't necessarily need and I feel like this made it more difficult to finish out (my abs just went hot after). Pull-ups are retarded. Run is making progress. I wore a sweatshirt for the 1st 800 and when I took it off I felt great and really started to move. Maybe we'll try this again in the future.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Biosuit

Alrighty, I have finally made some body measurements and calculated an estimate of my body fat.

Neck: 15.5
Chest: 38.75
Abdomen: 32.5
Hips: 37
Thighs: 22.25
Calves: 15.5
Forearms: 11.5
Biceps: 12.5

I calculated my percent body fat three different ways. The first was with a handheld bioimpedance device that Gold's Gym was nice enough to let me use. I'm not sure how accurate this thing is but I entered my height, weight, and age into the computer and held on for dear life not knowing what in the hell it was gonna do. The trainer at the gym didn't seem to have a clue either. I did three measurements which were 12.8, 11.8, and 11.8.
I went and did some research after the fact and learned how these little buggers operate and the variables that can effect the outcome of their estimations. I think the leg-to-leg variety would offer a more accurate result and even then the reliability of the data seems to be less than that of the old skin-fold test. With that in mind I decided to make some calculations using formulas developed by the YMCA and the U.S. Navy which use simple body measurement to factor a body fat percentage. 

The YMCA equation for men only requires a weight and abdominal measurement: 

(4.15 x abdomen) - (0.082 x weight) - 98.42

This gave me 13.4%

The Navy's equation is a bit more involved and requires a height, neck, and abdominal measurement:

(86.010 x LOG ((abdomen) - (neck))) - (70.041 x LOG (height)) + 36.76

This gave me 13.36%

Averaging the four estimations gives 12.84%... We''ll take it.

Friday, April 10, 2009


AMRAP in 20 minutes of:

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air squats

My goal today was to complete as many "strict" pull-ups as possible since this seems to be an issue when I go to PFT. I also made sure to go full ROM on my push-ups where a lock-out at the top isn't habit just yet. The pull-ups were the limiting factor and as the clock continued to tick I began to alternate strict and kipping pulls to try and keep a decent round count. That didn't really happen though. I ended up with 12.5 rounds. 

On a side note, there were some fellas that finished with 27 rounds today and while I don't doubt their fitness level I do question their ROM. I mean really... 270 legit push-ups? AFTER 135 pull-ups? I suppose seeing is believing so I'll definitely have to spectate some of the am sessions next time Cindy comes to town.

Weight: 169.0

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Distilled Pain

21-15-9 for time:

Body weight deadlifts
75% front squats

I weighed in at 167.8 prior to the workout sooo I decided to go with 175# on the deads and 135# on the front squats.... bad decision.

Actually, everything was moving along fine until I got to those damn front squats. I need to get serious about throwing some pure strength training days into my fitness routine. It's workouts like this that remind me of my deficiencies, and although it took me forever-and-a-day to complete the WOD I didn't quit like many others did. Do believe me, though, when I say that my body was screaming at me to run and hide in a locked closet. This WOD should have been done in around 10 minutes. My total time was 19:41 and I think 9 minutes of that could have been erased if I had a solid front squat.

Time will tell.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Get a Rhythm

Alrighty, so I got sooper sick last week and have been feeling weak/light headed. Also, I had a death in the family so there has been family/funeral shiz going on all as well. I'm tryna get back in a ryhthm at the gym and have gotten 2 consecutive WODs in for the week thus far.

Tuesday was Push-Press 3-3-3-3-3 with a weighted 800m "fun run" after.

I pushed 125-135-140-150(fail)-145x2 then ran the 800 with 100# sandbag in 4:40. Goodtimes.

Wednesday we did some oly-work with ye olde snatch, the power snatch to be precise. The WOD was rx'd as 12-9-6 for time of power snatch, box jumps, and kettlebell swings.

I pulled 85# on the snatch, used a 30# box, and used 2 pood on the swings. My time was 6:17 which tells me I def could have thrown on some more weight (we were looking for times between 5 and 10 minutes). However, if you could have seen my form I probably should have pulled LESS weight.

Speaking of weight, I dunno WTF is going on with my body weight. I had been a consistent 174-175lbs before my trip to the rockies, but now I can't seem to get over 168. Looking back over the past 5 weeks (37 days) I have lost a total 7.5lbs. I haven't changed ANYTHING so I'm hoping that I'm shedding body fat. The worse case scenario is that I'm losing lean body mass, but I don't know how this could be possible with my diet. I won't know for sure until I get some measurements done. I should probably sit down and reevaluate my intakes as well.

Weight: 167.8

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Weight: 166.2

f*ck me running