Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Deadlift, 225#
Handstand Push-Ups

DNF in the time alloted, but I finished.... around 15min again me thinks. Used the small side of one abmat. Ugh. Must. Stay. Postive.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Air Is Getting Slippery

A1. Push-Press @ 20X1: 5,3,2,5,3,2; rest 1 minute

A2. Kipping Pull-Ups: AMRAP (-1) x 6 sets; rest 3 minutes
B. AMRAP in 10 minutes: 1-5 unbroken Hang Clean ladders, 50kg load

Didn't finish part A. Did 132x5, 154x3, 164x2, and 154x5 before running out of time. On pull-ups I got 3 sets of 30... think I could have finished all sets at 30, they were feeling good.

On part B I was 3 reps shy of 4 full rounds... did the weight as rx'd.

We also did the push-up challenge WOD after.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Later Than Late

A. High Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat: 1.2 x 5; rest 2 minutes
B. Clean Grip Deadlift @ 32X1: 3,3,3,3; rest 3 minutes
C. Heavy Russian KB Swing: 15 reps x 5 sets; rest 1 minute

a. Worked up to 120#... had a hard time recieving in the full squat.
b. Worked up to 352# and nabbed it. Tore my thumb using hook-grip.
c. Did all with the 88#

Again, did the push-up challenge WOD with the fellas. These are getting hard.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Especially Mentally

1 round for time @ 100% effort:
150 Double-Unders
75 Wall-Balls, 20lb ball/10ft target
50 Burpees
9:00... Sub 8 and sub 7 minutes were the times to beat today. Incredible. The last 2 wall-ball WODs have really brought it to my attention that I've deconditioned on the movement. Especially mentally. Double-unders went releatively smooth. Burpees were burpees.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Flat Foot

A. Split Jerk: work up to a heavy double; rest 2 minutes between attempts
B. 400m run @ 95%; walk rest 3 minutes x 3 sets
a. 186# was my heaviest today... failed at 198#. Was sooper paranoid about my groin, but it held up.
b. 1:08, 1:08, and 1:17... might have been able to shave a few seconds off had I not started each round in the back of the pack. Still don't care much for running in my Chuck's. 
Did the push-up challenge WOD after with the fellas

Friday, July 15, 2011

Got My Twin Glock 40's Cocked Back

Went to the 8:30a and did a shit ton of mobility work. Got the legs loose enough to do some squats, but still took it easy... did sets of three and worked up to 242lb. Did 3 sets of 5 muscle-ups and 3 handstand push-ups (no abmat) after. Would have liked to do more but ran out of time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Seize The Gay

7 sets:
3 power cleans, increase loading each set, heavy as it goes
12 burpees AFAP
Rest 4 minutes between each set

Yep. That was the workout of the day. Nope. That's not what I did. My handicapped adductors are acting up again after Monday's lunge-athon. Had to take a rest day yesterday and recoop... thought I was good to go. Then they seized up during my warm-up and just. like. that. I was sittin' bench. I decided to attack the Airdyne in 30" intervals since that was the average interval length for folks actually doing the WOD. My calories per interval were 2?|23|17|15|19|19|23. I let myself come out of the saddle juuuuust a bit on the latter attempts.

Monday, July 11, 2011

And The Drama Party Never Ends...

A1. Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 at 3124 tempo
A2. Walking Lunges 20 total steps at 1.5 pood
B. For time:
30 Wall-Balls
60 Sit-Ups
20 Wall-Balls
40 Sit-Ups
10 Wall-Balls
20 Sit-ups

a1. 40, 50, 60, 65, 70kg (failed on 3rd rep). I should have had the 70 (85% of 1 rep), I just lost my concentration for a split-sec and let my left shoulder come forward. I was in a rush to get over to the wall for the next mini WOD I guess.
a2. Done
b. 5:50... never stopped moving, just wasn't moving fast enough I guess. Sub-5 min was the time to have.

Also, did the 100 push-ups workout with the fellas... 16-21-15-15-21

Friday, July 8, 2011

March to 100

A. Snatch Balance: 3,3,3 @ 80%; rest 3 minutes
B. AMRAP strict Pull-Ups x 3 sets (no prescribed tempo); rest as needed
C. AMRAP Double-Unders in 10 minutes
a. Did 40 and 50 kilo's before running out of time... want to do more of these
b. 10-13-7(didn't finish)
c. Did 396 du's.... that's gotta be a PR for me. Still, should be up in the 5-hundo's
After, did some push-ups with Big J... did 20-25-15-15 and an AMRAP which I nabbed 30 on.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


5 rounds for time:
10 Deadlifts, 110kg
20 Wall-Ball shots
30 Double Unders
Ran rx'd and grabbed a lousy 17:39... my vajayjay swelled and kept me from performing. Really tho, I needed to make a poo. I tried to go just before the WOD but one of the ladies got to the head first. My stomach started cramping pretty bad and I couldn't catch my breath for some reason. Did first set of deads unbroken, 7 and 3 every other round. Wall-balls sucked. DU's were actually pretty smooth today.

After, did 100 push-ups for time... 4:27

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Unaccustom Training

A. Hang Clean: 2,2,2,2,2; rest 2 minutes
B. Front Squat + Jerk: 1.1 x 5; rest 2 minutes

a. 186# was my best today... Only nabbed 198# once
b. ditto... near miss at 198

Did 3x20 @ 0 and 3x20 @ 25# on the reverse hyper.
Did 6x4 muscle-ups for a total of 24. Failed twice at 16 then kept trucking.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Take The Hits

15 DB Thrusters, 50# each
100m Sprint
10 DB Thrusters
100m Sprint
5 DB Thrusters
100m Sprint

Warmed-up by shooting some hoops then got to it. 5:11 for me... and Hayden nabbed a 3:03 with 25# db's. After, we did 5-10-15-20 sit-ups (on a machine) and pull-ups. Good quick sweat.