Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Back Squat 'n Pull-Ups

Back Squat


Did some pull-ups today just for grins... 17dead/36kip

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Snatch 'n Row

Power Snatch

Max Effort Row Sprints
7 rounds, for lowest 500m split:
15 seconds row sprint
45 seconds rest

1:23 fastest pace/500m
1:28 fastest avg pace/500m

Friday, October 23, 2009


Front Squat

(((20+10+4.5) x 2) x 2.205) + 45
I motion to vote and establish an official and permanent singular system of measurement for use in the CFDC... preferably one with little to no algebra required. Ever. Thank you.

Then, 6 x 200m sprints with 2min rest between efforts

:27,:28,:29,:30,:35,:33... sumthin like that anyway. hammies was cashed!
Missed gettin blown away by Russ and Tolbert on the sprints today... (sigh)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Road Rage

Got tied up at the home office today and was running late, soo I was only able to to do half of today's WOD... which also happened to be the 3rd event at this year's regional qualifier.

deadlift high-pulls, 95#
box jumps, 24"
kettlebell swings, 53#

Busted out a middle-of-the-road 5:33. Forearms were feelin it going into the 2nd round. Did everything unbroken except for the high pulls...

weight: 166.3

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stanky Legs


Rest 5 minutes

Handstand Push-Up/Deadlift Couplet
3 rounds for time of:
15 handstand push-ups
15 deadlifts, 225 pounds

This is a delayed post and I don't seem to have recorded my loads/time on the CFDC blog. I wanna say I pushed 115# x 3 on the strict press.

Did the couplet rx'd (with 2 abmats, then 3 on final round) and was the last mofo to finish. Thinkin I did it in 12 sumthin...

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Front Squat

200# (PR)

Then, 5-4-3-2-1 of:
80% 1 rep max front squat

155# and mu's on the met-con... until the next to last round that is, when my body suddenly decided it didn't want to to any more mu's. Well eff you body, I finished the WOD anyway (with pu's and rd's :( )... 6:43ish

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thank You Cap'n

Hang Power Clean

Rest 5 minutes

"Mini Nicole"
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
200m run
Max reps chest-to-bar pull-ups

145/155/160/165(PR) that's bodyweight too (finally!)

Did 6 rounds with 39 c2b... 40 was my goal, but on the last rep I didn't get my chest to the bar FTL... NEXT TIME!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hip Hop Hippity Don't Stop


50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Abmat sit-ups
Double unders

10 flat on Annie rx'd... Double-unders, I'm coming to get ya...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jump Twice Rope

Overhead Squat

Rest 5 minutes

For time:
50 box jumps, 24 inch box
400m sandbag run, 100 pound sandbag
100 double unders

Stopped at 115# on the OHSs when my hip started screaming at me. Did 4x10x65# after that. 9 flat on the cookie... which is funny since I came back in the door with my 100# sandbag at 3:30. That's right... do the math.

Double-unders FTMFL

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Need A Hero

5 rounds for time of:
155 pound deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound power jerk, 6 reps

10:48 @ 115#

Personally wish I was closer to 15 with more weight... Dunno if I could have maintained form though. No matter what D.T. is an ass-kicker.