Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pity Party In My Panties

Complete for time:
400m Run
50 Barbell Thrusters
400m Run
50 Burpees
400m Run
50 Barbell Thrusters

This got stupid. Actually, my lower back did. Yesterday's workout caught up with me with a vengeance after the first set of thrusters. TIGHT doesn't even begin to describe the feeling when those low back muscles start to seize up. I suffered thru the burpees and third "run," but when I came back to try the final set of thrusters I could barely pick the empty barbell off the ground. I looked at Sam and he had me finish up with 50 push-ups. I did some stretching and rolling out after. Threw on some tiger balm. It's 3 hours later now and I'm still moving like an old man, but the extreme tightness and pain have subsided. I've gotta do sumthin about this little issue of mine. I think this is the third time my low back has given me serious (non-injury) problems, and I'm pretty sure they all involved some combination of deadlifts, ghbe's, and running. My retarded time was 18:18.

p.s. Sam gave a small lecture on rest/recovery after I folded in front of the class. Funny thing is I do nearly everything he discussed. I felt surprisingly good getting out of bed this morning actually, and don't think there's much more I could have done except 1.) have done a lighter load during yesterday's WOD and/or 2.)given my body more time to recover, ie a rest day. But like I said my body was whistling Dixie before the WOD and I felt optimistic about getting a respectable time. Makes me wonder about the need for some specific back/core strength work.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pool Pirate

7 sets:
5 heavy deadlift, rest 0 sec
200m row at maximum effort (record watts)
rest 5 minutes

Stuck it out with 301# for all 7 rounds... prolly should have rolled lighter. Average watts per round were 508|491|477|404|420|398|419 for a total of 3,117. Damper was set on 8.

Worked with ASU Mike today and he gave me a few cues that were helpful. "Big chest" on deads helped keep things tight. And "drive through your heels" on row helped me stay in the saddle and get a few more watts. Good hard day.

I also got up early and did some swimming today. I did 30 min semi-continuous working technique on side-stroke. Prob did somewhere around 1000m. Left shoulder was giving me some grief on first pulls. Felt inefficient, but not nearly as much as I had expected. We'll take that as a win.

Monday, March 28, 2011


A. Push-press @ 20X1: 3,3,3,3,3
B. AMRAP in 1 minute:
     5 Wall-Ball
     5-10-5 Shuttle Run
     Rest 4-5 minutes x 3 sets

a. Sets were 110|132|154|176(fail)|154|164... tempo weirded me out on this one. Really think I should've gotten the 176 but dorked out on my hip drive.

b. We kept a running total for all 3 sets, so we picked up where we left off each time. My total was 10 full rounds plus 1 wall-ball.

After, I did a few stands under load... which, basically, was me holding a barbell on my back for 60' sets. Guess this was neurological thing? I just wanted my body to feel what it's like to support a shit ton of weight. I started with 160kg, then 180kg. Really had to focus on keeping my core locked down and keeping the weight stabilized. Suprisingly taxing for so little movement.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cool Up

Box Jumps, 24"
Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 pood
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls, 40kg

5:56 rx'd... didn't do much of a warm-up for this. Thought we would do sumthing heavy, but didn't. SDHP's were inefficient and a time killer. Did 4 sets of 60+ double-unders after. Think 69 was my best.

Friday, March 25, 2011


2 rounds for time:
30 Deadlifts, 60kg
30 Push-Ups
30 KBS, 1.5 pood
30 Pull-Ups

11:40 rx'd... not impressed with my time. Should be able to shred at least a minute off this. Grip and lung burn were the limiting factors. Oh yeah, and push-ups.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sweet Sweat

3 sets @ 95%
10 goblet squats, heavy and unbroken
400m run
rest 2 min x 3
3 sets @ 95%
15 unbroken pull-ups
90 sec AMRAP burpees
rest 2 min x 3
3 sets
20m Walking Lunge
10-15 Knees-to-elbows
20 sec rest

Times on the first couplet: 1:40, 1:42, and 1:50
Burpee counts on the second couplet: 25, 22, and 24
Third couplet: Check

Good hard day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


A. Front Squat @ 30X2: 5,3,2 (last set 100%); rest 4 min
B. Hang power snatch + overhead squat: 1 rep of each x 3 total reps x 5 total sets; rest 3 min
C. Coach's choice midline work

a. Did a short warm up due to time constraints but did 154x5, 176x3, 198x2, and 208x2 at tempo. Would have liked to do more at 5x and 3x. 

b. Did the barbell, then 88, 110, 110, 110, and 120. had a few reps where I went too wide on my receipt, but was aware of it. Noticed that when I trust myself and commit to a solid 3rd pull I put myself in a much better stance/posture to recieve the bar. When I lose focus and try to "muscle it up" is when I retreat under the bar way too soon and go wide with my feet (especially the right.) Snatch felt about as good as it's ever felt though. Still a booger of a movement.

c. We did ring plank holds building up to 3 min. 10 abmat situps for each break. I did 2:01 and 1:01 with 10 sit-ups.

On my own I did 5 rounds of 1:1 double-unders and rest for 1 minute. My counts were 70|58|70|62|48. Slowww progress. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Questionable Quads

1K row @ 100%
10 minute rest
10 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes

Ughghghghhhhhghhhhh... damn you rower. Seems like a get wrecked EVERY time I strap into you. My time today was 1:13.2, a small PR from 3:14.8. You'd have thought I had a 10 sec PR the way I was writhing on the ground after. Burpees were a disgraceful blur. I just tried to keep moving for the entire 10 minutes. Almost tossed my cookies on one round.
As far as the actual row is concerned, I started at a 1:33avg/500 pace... until I was 600m in, and then the shit got real. It was a struggle to keep pace 1:40, and I even went over on a few strokes. Maybe I could sustain a 1:35avg longer? We'll try it next time.
With my legs still shaky I thought it was a good time to try some double-unders. I did 30 du's on the minute for 10 minutes. On most intervals I finished in 18 sec. On 2 intervals I struggled and finished around 22 sec. They were feeling amazingly smooth today I must say (suprisingly). Spencer even commented on them. Looks as if my new technique is working. Yay me. 

Just a quick diet note/confession... I've gone paleo for about one week now, although I have had some weak, non-paleo moments. So far, I've had 4 beers. 2 potato chips. And 1 Monster Milk protein drink. Shame on me. G-rant out.

Friday, March 18, 2011


400m run
50 DB hang power snatch, 30#
800m run
50 DB hang power snatch, 30#
400m run

3:40 rx'd... wish I could have made up some time on the runs. Did all snatches unbroken with 10 each hand, then 5 each hand to make 50. Would like to keep the same time using a 40# bd.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

In Like Lynn

A1. Deadlift: 2,2,2,2,2; rest 1 minute
A2. AMRAP Handstand Push-Ups x 5 sets; rest 3 minutes
B. Death by Pull-Ups, starting at 5 reps


Used the fat side of 1 abmat on the hspu's. Knocked out 18 rounds on B. Finished 18 at the buzzer and decided not to try for 19... actually kinda regret that. Did 5x30 double-unders after and worked on landing in the same spot, they felt pretty good. Yessir. Sure did. Yup.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hell... In Intervals

A: 3 sets:
15 unbroken KB swings, 53/35
400m run @ 90%
rest 2 min x 3
B: 3 sets:
10 DB burpees, 30/20
90 sec row @ 90%
rest 2 min x 3
C: 3 rounds for time:
15 knees to elbows
20 push ups

a. 2:00|2:01|2:03

b. 2:32|2:01|2:15

c. 4:49

Good hard day... just had to keep moving. Subbed Airdyne for 2 of the row intervals. Should have posted cals/meters for part B but didn't think to do it. DB burpees were the easiest today. Airdyne, KTE's, and push-ups were the hardest. Need to get back on track with nutrition, hydration, and fish oil... can feel the difference (during the WOD and after) fo sho.

Monday, March 14, 2011

63 Axe Handles High

Jerk, 1RM
3 RFT:
40 air squats
40 double unders

Warmed up and hit the barbell. Did a slow work-up to 198#, then hit 208#. That's 5#s in the PR bank. Did 5:32 on the met-con. Double-unders continue to challenge, but we're getting there.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Space Dog Barf-olamew

3 sets at 90-95% effort (97-100% on last set)
10 wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
15 burpees, 1' jump
10 box jumps, full foot landing
15 KB swings
walk rest 2:30 b/t sets

7 min rest

3 sets @ 90-95% effort (97-100% on last set)
500m row
walk rest 2:30 b/t sets

First sets were: 1:54, 2:21, and 2:15 my times seemed slower than most everyone elses, but I was also jumping more than a foot on my burpees and didn't count them if I didn't touch bar.

Second sets were: 1:40, 1:51, and 1:43. These just sucked. In fact this day just sucked. I ate too late (didn't finish unti 10 after 11) so my meal was just riding high the entire time. Almost barfed on the second row.  Damn I've got a lot of excuses today. Let's not make a habit of it.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dead Hangin'

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 handstand push-ups
7 goblet squats, 2 pood
10 weighted pull-ups, 45 pound dumbbell

Ran rx'd except for 1 abmat and scaled the weight on pull-ups. Guess that's not rx'd at all. I knocked out 5 full rounds, 5 hspu's, and 7 squats before running out of time. The pull-ups (deadhang) were time killers on this one. I ended up rolling with 10kg on a belt and was having to do one-sies and two-sies. Pretty happy with my hspu's tho. Stayed with the low side of 1 mat the entire WOD.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Get Scrappy

A. Power Clean "On the Minute" 135lbs
B. GHD Sit-Ups: 4 x 15 reps; rest 60 sec

12 rounds and 8 reps into the 13th minute rx'd... an okee day for a lightweight. Done and done on part B.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Constant Hardener

5 rounds @ 90% effort and consistant output:
1 min max KB swings, 53/35
1 min max double unders
2 minutes rest
240 sec front leaning rest on rings accumulated

136 on the kettlebell and 226 on the du's... grip was the biggest issue on the swings. Double-unders are double-unders. FLR I did in 2 sets: 2:56 and 1:04... made my titties hurt and my arms shake. Worked on butter-fly kip afterwards.