Friday, April 29, 2011

So Fast So Slow

Push-Press, Heavy Single
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 Thrusters, 45kg
3 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters
6 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
And so on...
Once again, not enough sleep. Not enough breakfast. Not enough grit. Blah, blah, blah... only got up to 75kg on push-press. Only made it through 11 pull-ups on round 15 before time was up. It's amazing how 7 minutes can seem to go by so fast AND so slow at the same time. I went ahead and finished out round 15 after the buzzer just to earn some self-respect back. Whatevs... a bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life... I'm gonna keep sayin' that until it sticks.
***thruster efficiency is something I really need to work on, whether the bar is heavy or light I still feel out of my element with this movement and need to find some kind of baseline comfort/consistency.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Full Range Rovin'

24 Pull-Ups
24 Deadlifts, 100kg
24 Handstand Push-Ups
24 Deadlifts, 100kg
24 Pull-Ups

8:37 with 100 kilos and the fat-side 1 abmat... this was a fun one. Second round of deadlifts felt better than the first. Can't say the same thing for pull-ups. Gassed pull-ups is something I really need to work on. HSPU's I was able to stay with the one mat and rock-out 4's, 3's, and 2's.

After, did 15x reverse hypers at 0/25/50/60/70/80. Also did 2x13.5m yoke walks at 0(175)/355/399/443/443. Really had to focus on staying tight on that last set of yolk.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hey Neighbor

A. Back Squat: 5,5,5,5,5; rest 3 minutes
B1. Ring Push-Ups x 20 reps; rest 1 minute
B2. 30sec Row Sprints; rest 3 minutes x 4 sets

a. Sets were 154|198|208|213|220 with the black band. Really trying to force those knees out and keep my hips "down" and in sync with my upper body.
b-uno. Done
b-dos. Kept the damper on high-7... pulled 176|171|169|168. Mediocrity is going to be the death of me.

Sled drags today were 8x60yds at 115#. Reverse hypers were 10x and I did sets of  0|25|50|60|70lb.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Gray Day

On the minute every minute for 15 minutes:
6 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood AFAP
6 Burpees AFAP
50 Toes-To-Bar @ a 2010 tempo

Really just tried to stay consistent the entire 15 minutes on this one. Ran rx'd on weight and focused on good form (my back was bothering me all morning) which meant I took my time on the burpees. Finished every round under 45sec. Nice long sweat on this one... maybe perfect for a post-holiday weekend Monday. The toes-to-bar I knocked out 5 at a time.

After, I did 3x20 on the reverse hyper with no weight and did a lot of stretching.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Good (HARD) Friday

Quarter Gone Bad

5 rounds for max reps of:
15sec, 135# Thrusters
45sec, Rest
15sec, 50# Weighted Pull-Ups
45sec, Rest
15sec, Burpees
45 sec, Rest

Rolled 62kg/136.4lb on thrusters and 24kg/53lb on pull-ups... 88 total. Think the break down was: 5,5,9|6,5,9|4,4,9|3,3,9|4,4,9.

I hit the same rep count that I did the last time I did this WOD (about a year ago), but I used more weight sooo I'm inclined to call it a PR although I'm still not happy with today's result.  Especially round 4... on one of the thrusters I caught the bar with my pinkies UNDER the bar and had to drop the barbell and reset. No excuse for the pull-ups on that round. Definitely want to try to keep 5 and 5 across the board next time and get into the mid-90's. On burpees it would be nice to get 10, but I don't think I can go much faster while keeping full ROM.

After, I did 10x50yd (a car was parked in the way of 60yd) sled drags with 135#. This is the heaviest I've gone at this distance and I felt it. Also did a quick 2x20 on the reverse hyper with no weight just to get loose.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Turning Up the Volume

A1. Deadlift @ 20X1: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 1 minute
A2. AMRAP HSPU (-1); rest 2 minutes x 5 sets
B. 10 minutes to find max box jump
C. 100 Med-ball Sit-ups with a partner

a1. Working sets were 286, 296, 308, 318, and 323. Focused on form and am happy to report that we kepts its tight although no PR. In due time. In due time.
a2. Went ahead and rolled with the low side of 1 abmat... was able to do 7, 6, 6, 5, and 5. Did 4 crown to crown after as well.
b. Didn't get to keep going due to time constraints, but was able knock-out 49.25" without failing
c. Done and done with a 20#

After I did 5 alternating sets of reverse hypers and sled drags. Reverse hypers were sets of 10 at 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90lbs. The first 3 rounds of drags I did at 135 and alternated going forwards and backwards. The final 2 rounds I did all forward with 157lb.
Finally, I did an alternating tabata with double-unders and push-ups. Not sure on all my set numbers but I stayed at 10 pushes for the last few intervals, and on du's 22 and 34 were repeating values for some reason. Today it helped to keep my feet touching one another during the du's.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hot Sott's

5 sets for highest load:
Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Hang Snatch
Did a nice kettlebell warm-up with goblet squats, unilateral overhead squats, and Sotts presses. Used a 26#. Also learned a new shoulder stretch using a racked barbell which really let me know how tight I am upstairs... especially in my left anterior delt. Also noticed my scalenes are tight as well.
On the barbell I did 88, 98, 110, and 120 before running out of time. The 120 is a 5lb PR for this complex. Form felt fairly good today. Started coming forward on the heavier loads when I didn't be sure to get full extension thru the knees and hips. Grip held up ok.
After, we did a quick little 20sec all out AirDyne followed by 20 AQAP lateral ball slams. We only did 2 rounds before class was over.
On my own I did 10x single "perfect" snatches at 88lb just to focus on technique. Then did some muscle-ups and handstand push-ups. Did 5x mu's and 5x hspu's for 2 rounds. My first set of hspu's I did unconsecutive with NO abmat! That's a personal best.
Finally, did 25yd (I measured it) yoke walks 2x with an empty yoke, then 6x with 180.
*really feeling the damage from yesterday's back squats, especially in my adductors and glutes. that knee band really works!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Adducting My Frustration

A. Back Squat: 5,5,5,5,5; rest 3 minutes
B. Hang Power Clean: 3,3,3 - 80%; rest 2 minutes
C1. AMRAP Pull-Ups in 20 sec; rest 10 sec
C2. AMRAP Wall-ball shots in 20 sec; rest 10 sec x 3 sets

a. Rolled with a black band wrapped around my knees today for the squats. It was definitely harder than usual today, but I'm not sure how much was the band and how much was the weekend. Sets were 198, 208, 220, and 220 (didn't make it to the 5th set.)
b. On the cleans we were rushed so did a quick 154, 176, and 176. Wanted to do a set at 198 but did the third at 176 because my form was starting to slip. The third set was much better.
c. 16, 12, and 10 on pulls. 10, 9, an 9 on wall balls... 38 and 28 equals 66.
After I did 6x60m sled drags with 90lb then 4x60 with 135lb.
I also did 4x15 on the reverse hyper at 25, 50, 50, and 50.

Weight: 172.??

Friday, April 15, 2011

Black Beard's Delight

For time, complete 20 rounds of:
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

A time 20 rounds of Cindy... nabbed 18:23. Did 8.5 rounds of the pulls and pushes after as well. The squats were actually the limiting factor today. My right lower back was really fired up and yelling at me at the bottome of the squat. I guess this started around round 9-10. Finished 10 rounds in 8:16. Think I could have easily taken a minute off my time today with a healthy back. Would like to take even more off in the future with faster push-ups.
Did 5x15 reverse hypers at 50lb and some stretching after. And oh yeah... I grew a beard.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

151 Proof

A. 1RM Split Jerk
B. 1 RM Back Squat

Crapsnaps! Felt groggy getting out of the sack this morning. Didn't think the feeling was gonna stick with me all day... but it did. Hips weren't listening to my brain at all, and I had NO intensity on my jerk. My best today was 186# and even that felt heavy. Similar results on squat. My best today was a lame 246#. Had to run to el bano in the middle of all this due to some mud butt. That didn't help things either. Did get to help big Jonathan on his squat technique though. Talked him to a 308# PR.
Did some double-unders after and surprised myself with 98 unbroken! That there be a PR. We'll see if I can duplicate it. I also upped my unbroken goal to 151 in honor of the number of blog posts today.
Talked to Spencer about the possibility of me over training since I had no fire in my belly today. I don't necessarily feel over trained and he agreed. Sooo going to keep my reverse-hyper and sled drag work volume up and let my hips/body catch-up.

Weight: 172.0

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stronger... Faster?

Deadlift, 100kg/225lb
Handstand Push-Ups

Well, I did it... 45 handstand-push-ups with 1 abmat. That's a biggie for me. Unfortunately it took nearly 15 minutes. But who cares, today was still a win because when I first pranced my happy ass into this gym I couldn't do a single handstand push-up with or without a mountain of abmats. THANK YOU CFDC. Still lots of work to be done, but we're making headway. Did all the deads as rx'd. Felt pretty tight today after all the reverse hyper work yesterday.
Did 10x60m sled drags with 90lbs. Then did 3 rounds of 20 flutter kicks (4 count), 20 leg raises, and 20 ab-wheel rollouts. Wanted to do knees-to-elbows but my hands are still pretty torn up.        

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coulda Shoulda Woulda

5 minutes of Double-Unders
5 minutes of 95 lb Clean and Push Jerk
3 minutes of Double-Unders
3 minutes of 95 lb Clean and Push Jerk
1 minute of Double-Unders
1 minute of 95 lb Clean and Push Jerk

Did 225du's and 22cj's in 5
Did 110du's and 12cj's in 3
Did 30+du's and 6cj's in 1... Called it 360 and 40 at 45kg.

After I did some 3rep cleans. I started with 60 kilos and worked my way up to 90. My final set at 90/198 was a PR and I was able to knock out all 3 reps (although not touch and go by any means.) I'm also glad to say that my final rep at 198 was my best. The first two I shot down too low, with my hips forward, and both feet a bit wide... I guess to make up for lack of speed. I felt the error and regrouped for the final with a great result. The bar seemed to be flying plenty high today. I'd like to work more on speed and consistency on stickin the landing/receiving the bar. 
Did 12x reverse hypers at 25/50/60/70 and did 2 there and backs with the yoke loaded with 4x45's after each set. Need to look-up some scoop on the yoke to make sure I'm getting everything I can out of the exercise.
Upper back is still tweaked from friday's accident. It's very positional though. Still rolling/lx balling the heck out of it.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Went to the track today just to get things moving... did a long warm up with dynamic stretching/mobility shiz, a few runs, and some jump-roping. For the actual "workout" I ran 5x200m all from 29sec to 32 sec. Then ran 2x400m both at 1:28ish. I was trying to focus more on running form/technique and less on my times, especially since I was hitting some strong headwinds (and it's been a while since I've done any focused running.)
I did 40 double-unders every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes after. Had a few dropped jumps but did the majority unbroken which is just super-dooper. Stretched again after and then went and ate me steak. Good stuff.

Friday, April 8, 2011


Overhead Squat

Warmed-up, got loose and hit the barbell. Think I did 88#x3, 110#x2, 120#x2, 132#x2, 154#x1, 164#x1, 176#x1, 186#x1, and 198#x1(Fail.) Just got my new wrist wraps in the mail yesterday, and maaaan did I like using them today. Failed on the 198# because I couldn't even  push-press it overhead to initiate an overhead squat. Actually, the barbell came down and hit me in the neck/back and put me out for a few.

Did 8x40yd (measured it today) sled drags... 6 with 135# and 2 with 145#. Also did reverse hypers... 10 empty, 8x25#, 6x50#, 5x60#, 5x70#, and 5x80#.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
7 Deadlifts, 1.5 x Bodyweight
7 Pull-Ups

Sittin at 170# bw so shot for 255#. Actually loaded 256.4#. Goal was 10 rounds and I did 10 rounds. Prolly could have done a few more, but wanted to really focus on dead technique and stay tight. Also, I wore my Chucks today just to feel what it's like to be flat footed, liked it much better than my Brooks. Did all pull-ups unbroken. Got a few kudos on form post WOD and that's fine by me.

After I did 8x50m sled drags with 135, all forward. Had to lean into these a bit but was able to maintain normal gait from the waist down. Also did 5x5 reverse hypers at 45# as well as 5x5 bench press starting at 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 75kg, and 80kg. These felt good for having not done them in such a long time. Kinda felt like I was knockin the cobwebs outta my shoulder joints. Ran out of time and didn't get to stretch. Boo. Good day though.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Proper Like

400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53#
12 Pull-Ups

8:56 today... surprised to still get sub-9 with the gimp back. 2nd and 3rd rounds of swings were done 13 and 8. Pulls were unbroken. Run was gimpy. Felt pretty good after, hope that means I COULD HAVE PR'd if things were moving/feeling proper like.

Did 8x60m walking sled drags after with 90#. Then did 6x40m walking backwards at 90# as well. Both fwd and bkwd lit my hips on fire but low back went unaffected. I also did 4x10 sets of reverse hypers with 25#, and yoke walked after each set with 180# loaded. The rev hypers lit my back up around rep 7 today. Finally, did tabata abmat sit-ups touching the post each time... count was sumthin like 14-13-13-13-12-12-12-12. Stretched a bit after as well.

Monday, April 4, 2011

AEffect Change

For Time:
1400m run (800m loop + alley loop)
21 Hang Squat Cleans, 40 kilos
800m run
15 Hang Squat Cleans, 40 kilos
400m run
9 Hang Squat Cleans, 40 kilos
Ughhhhhhhhhhh again. Back pain fired up and I sucked it up for 18:30 rx'd. This has got to stop. Talked to Spencer and am developing a gameplan to attack my low back strength. Lots of sled pulls, reverse hypers, and upright bent rows in my future. 
Did 3 sets of 15 on the reverse hyper after. Plus, 3x30sec L-sits and 3x15 ghdbe's with 200m runs.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Silly Billy Rocks the Rodeo


I ended up falling on my 15th rep on the first round. My legs were shaky on the 14th rep and when I brought the barbell down from the jerk I let if fall too hard into my quads and it knocked my sill ass right over. I hopped back up and did the 15th rep, but I'm not sure if that counts or not. The second round of 12 was probably the worst, but uneventful aside from pain. The final 9 reps were almost as treacherous. And actually, I did 10 reps in a row to make up for the "fallen" rep (thanks Chad.) All said I was able to do 14+1, 12, and 10 at 60kg/132#. I suppose that's an ok weight for this WOD? We did all power clean and were only allowed to "rest" from the rack position.

ps this WOD is all about grip, mental strength and focus