Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Skilled Labor

Today brought an interesting mix of exercise.

First was the Tabata Mash (20:10) with virtual shoveling using a 24" barrier and regular 'ol push-ups.

With a barbell holding only one plate (men 45 pound plate, women 25 pound plate), we touched the plate on one side of the barrier to the other for one rep. My lowest rep counts for a single interval were 10 shovels and 12 push-ups. Actually, I stayed at 10 shovels for the entire duration which tells me that I need to do more weight next go 'round. We did a total of 8 rounds each.

After getting off "the job site" we took off our hard hats and did Tabata L-sit Hangs (10:20). I was able to hold my legs out straight for half of the eight rounds. After that I could only manage holding my knees to my chest.

6 x 400m run with ~40 sec rest between intervals... total run time was 8:57. I did this at a nice lil clip and kinda surprised myself with my times. I hope I can keep up this intensity when I run a legit 1.5 mile.

Weight today was 172.3... WTF?!

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