Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rookie Mistake

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

4 handstand push-ups
8 KB swings, 2 pood
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

8 rounds plus 4 hspu's and 3 kettlebell swings... used 2 abmats on hspu's. Lost control of the kb late into the wod and ripped a callus clean off my paw. Actually had to drop it behind my head at the top of the swing and bail. The pull-ups were the limiting factor here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh you too!!! Got lovely holes in both hands now. Ugh, that sucks you dropped the KB behind--I almost did a few times, as well. Awesome job using 2 pood!! I definitely was limited by the pullups, too, plus doing KB swings with ripped hands made the remaining rounds feel quite nice. Great job!
