Thursday, December 31, 2009


100 squats
5 muscle-ups
75 squats
10 muscle-ups
50 squats
15 muscle-ups
25 squats
20 muscle-ups

18:25 rx'd... can't say I got full ROM since I still haven't perfected the wrist pronation at the bottom of the movement, something to work towards. Squats were easy comparatively.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Late Show

Snatch Balance

This was a late WOD for me... did the 6:30 pm. Worked with Chris and got up to 125#? Again this is more of a timing/balance drill... need more work on not pushing the barbell too high and getting down faster.

Did a 100lb sandbag run with Chris and Damien after. Not sure what our times were.
Drank cold beer with Chase after that. Good fucking guy that one.

weight: 158 (in my skivies)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Know Thyself... And Thy Enemy

Overhead Squat

Not sure what my last successful 2 rep set was... I kept goofing up my second rep today (balance). I know I did 150# once... failed at 160#. Then we did:

50 du's
2 hspu's
40 du's
4 hspu's
30 du's
6 hspu's
20 du's
8 hspu's
10 du's
10 hspu's

I thought I could do this thing rx'd since my du PR was in the fifties, but I could get past the thirties after 3 attempts so I scaled to 35-25-20-15-10. I did all the hspu's as rx'd with 1 abmat. That was my first time to complete a WOD with only 1... wahoo! Took me forever to do it though... 19:51 total.

Monday, December 28, 2009

So Far Away From Me, So Far I Just Can't See

Snatch, 1 rep max

kettlebell snatch, 56#

125 pounds of ugly snatch. Starting my 2nd pull WAY to early/low... bar is miles away from me.
6:34 on met-con with a 44# kettlebell

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You Got You Decieved

"The Grinch"
5 rounds for time of:
200m run with 100lb sandbag
10 handstand push-ups
10 burpees

scaled hspu's with 2 abmats
think it took 5 min for my last round of hspu's... fml

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Easy E

21-15-9 of:
135# cleans
Ring Dips

This was my first time to do Elizabeth and after hearing the horror stories floating around the box I decided to run with 115# on the cleans. My total time was a flat 8:30 with kipping ring-dips. A lot of room for improvement here... mostly on the cleans (go figure).

Waited a bit then switched gears and hit the barbell. The rx'd workout was:
Behind-the-neck Split Jerk

I liked these! They helped me focus on 1.) my hip extension and 2.) my split-stance without much apprehension about the weight on the barbell. Worked up to a successful 185 and then my shoulders decided I was done. Since we weren't doing the clean portion of the lift Trey suggested I widen my grip on the barbell... think this helped a lot.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Field Day Rock Stars


Failed once at 165 but was successful on the second attempt... nabbed 170 after that. Pee-Are bitches.

Did an ab-roller wheelbarrell race after... most laps in 4 min with a partner. Trey and I busted out 11. Pretty silly.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Weaknesses? No... Opportunities

Shoulder Press

Did a snazzy lil warm-up then hit the barbell. Used the Werksan kilo plates which was a lil tricky with the conversions and all. I don't recall all the kg loads but my final successful lift was at a lowly 55kg or 121#. This is 9lb lower than my last 1 rep max.

I finished off what was left of my delts with 5x3 hspu's with one abmat... then did 2x5 muscle-ups.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Got legs... And Know How to Use Them

Back Squat

Worked up to 225x3... tried 230 and failed on 2nd rep.

Did a sprint-ladder with Noah which was 3 rounds of 400m-200m-100m sprints where we alternated on each sprint distance and rested only while the other partner ran. Don't remember our final time... think it was around 10 and change.

Before the WOD I was messing around with the verticle leap ruler... I measure at 90' reach and was able to hit the 18.5" marker. That's a 28.5" leap. Not sure how that stacks up against Jordan, pretty sure I got him though.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday Wrecked Day

Snatch Grip Deadlift

3 rounds:
5 deadlifts @ 115% bodyweight
25 boxjumps

Ended with 250# on my last set of 5. Went for 275# after that and got it 3 reps... I'll get it for 5 next time. Hook-grip was actually feeling "good" today.

For the met-con I ran with 125% bw which put me at 205#. I blew thru it fairly quickly and nabbed a 3:20 but prob should have slowed down a bit and kept my deadlift form perfect throughout. I'd have been happier with a 4:00 and solid mechanics. Again... Next time.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gone 'till Nov-January-ember

Pressing Snatch Balance

"Tailpipe V.2.0"
5 rounds, for time:
Partner 1: plank hold on rings (feet higher than hands)
Partner 2: 100m sandbag run, 100 pound bag

Awkward today. Think I only got 2 legit reps at full depth. I kept exagerating the dip and catching too high... felt real good when I hit it though. Stopped at a lowly 105. Rep'd out with just the bar a bit as well.

4:43 met-con with Brad. That was a lot of fun! Planks were a little silly.

Did some double-under skill work after... hit 28 unbroken. Pretty sure that's a new PR. Also worked on my split-jerk stance a bit. Did 3x10 split jerks with a 45# barbell while tryna hit a chalked target on the platform. I learned to mentally reach out with my heel (vs my toe) which helped widen out the stance. Started to feel almost normal

weight: 163.8

Monday, December 14, 2009

Early Morning Blah


3 Rounds:
50 double-unders
25m lunge walk with 45# overhead
200m run

Ran with light loads on the snatches... never went over 105#. My shoulders were on blast from all the clean-and-jerk work yesterday.

13:02 rx'd on met-con... damn double-unders.

I'm starting to wonder if I should even come to 6am classes without getting a good night's rest... the mojo just is not there.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sun Skill Day

Warmed up with a 500m row, DROM, and double-unders then did a clean-and-jerk progression with Sam coaching me thru. We did:

Muscle Clean 3x3
Tall Clean 3x3
Behind-the-neck Jerk 2x3
Behind-the-neck Split Jerk 2x3
Clean-and-jerk 1x3

I didn't go more than 50 kilos for any of the movements until I got to the 1x3. I finished that with 60 kilos plus 2 10's and 2 5's (76.5 kg?). Also did a lot of split drills with just bodyweight, PVC, and a women's bar. This was my first attempt at doing split jerk and I gotta get more comfotable with getting my front foot farther out in front of my body. Gotta learn to keep that back knee bent too. Good stuff tho... I'm lovin it

Friday, December 11, 2009


Front Squat


Ran out of time so ended with the 175# which was actually a solid struggle by the fifth rep.

Met-Con was 3 rounds of:
Thrusters @ 135# max reps for 30sec
Rest 30sec
Pull-ups max reps for 30sec
Rest 30sec

I scaled to 115# on thrusters and carried a 30# dumbbell for the pull-ups. Total count was 20 thrusters, 26 pull-ups. The stupid db kept slippin out of my legs, so after I did 2x10 pull-ups with a ??lb weight vest as well as another 10 thrusters @ 95# with the vest still on. I wanna say that vest weighed about 40#, but I dunno for sure.
I didn't have much fight in me today, I dunno if I just needed another rest day or if the cheat meal I had last night (iFratelli pizza) just handed it to me. Either way I wasn't 100% during the WOD, and I have felt like absolute poo ever since even with excellent nutrition all afternoon. I guess the tabata squats during the warm-up were a tell-tale sign... I couldn't get anywhere close to 20 for a round which is a new norm for me (and we only did 3 rounds). Oh well... there's always next WOD.

Oh yeah, and today was my 1 year anny at the CFDC. Time to throw down on some focused fitness goals.

weight: 162.6 (empty bladder)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Push-Press 'n Burpees 'n Run

Behind the Neck Push-Press

"50/50"As quickly as possible:
50 burpees
Full recovery
800m run
Full recovery
800m run
Full recovery
50 burpees

145x5 was my last successful set. Did 155x3 as well.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cleans 'n Couplet

High Hang Clean

W/G Couplet
As many round as possible in 12 minutes:
10 wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 box jumps, 24 inch box

The high hang clean was done with the barbell placed right at the pocket-level, where the only momentum created was from about two inches worth of hip extension and the shoulder shrug... went down to a full squat clean. 165# (tried 170# and failed at 2 attempts)

Met-con was 15 rx'd (at the buzzer)

Monday, December 7, 2009

My Monday


Ran with 140/155/165/170/175. 175# was a 15lb PR... Attempted 180 and got the clean, just couldn't lock-out the jerk. Need some focus on gettin down for the jerk. Would like to start working with some split-stance as well.

Met-Con was the "Lansky Shuffle" which is 5 rounds of:
5 deadlifts, 315#
100m shuttle run
15 pull-ups
60sec rest

I went with 275# and pulled a 5:13 total time (corrected for rest). The pull-ups were killa on this.

Weight: 161.8

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Press 'n Tailpipe


Then, "Tail Pipe"

120(x2)... went back down to 115 and stayed.
6:30 tailpipe (exact same time I had in August)