Monday, November 30, 2009


"The Chief"
5x3 minute rounds with AMRAP of:
135 power clean, 3 reps
6 push-ups
9 squats

Rx'd: 4-4-4-5-4 = 21 (4 round PR)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

5k 'n Bench

Ran a 5k... I shouldn't have. My body was still wrecked from the WODs earlier in the week and my performance was disastrous. I fought through the pain and stuck out a horrible 25:19.6. I actually couldn't walk straight after this because my left knee hurt so bad. Some ice, stationary bike, stretching, and rolling out help get it right back into action tho. Think it was my tight/inflamed ITB and calf muscles that were the culprit.

After I got the knee to back to "normal," I did 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:
bench press

Used 125# which is 75% bodweight (tryna work up to a 100% for Linda). Think my time was around 9:31?? Not exactly sure though.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I am thankful for bumper plates, kettlebells, muscle-ups, Greg Everett, athletic tape, Olympic rings, skin tears, chalk, weight vests, doing work, integrity, neural adaptations, discipline, Chris Spealler, humility, proper mechanics, Practical Programming, box jumps, accuracy, unbroken double-unders, grass-fed beef, the Tori cycle, Heroes, lactic acid, agility, knurling, rollin' barefoot, sweat, tears, Josh Everett, King Kong, handstand push-ups, Burgener, Turkish get-ups, Fran, glycolysis, Roosters, viral video, constant variation, Tabata anything, wall-balls, James Fitzgerald, fundamentals, tire flips, the Internet, Robb Wolf, the POSE method, Aromas, constant self improvement, a Fight Gone Bad gone good, a violent 2nd pull, kipping, agility ladders, burpees, Mikko Salo, intensity, increased work capacity, WIN, 100lb sandbags, GHDs, Jason Khalipa, Jeremy Thiel, defined fitness, Rippetoe, chains, rope climbs, Jolie Gentry, almonds, PVC pipes, professionalism, PRs, Nasty Girls, delayed onset muscle soreness, man-makers, Greg Admundson, Operation Phoenix, sprints, row machines, high-elbows, Filthy Fifty, the pood, Dutch Lowy, full range of motion, ibuprofen, massage therapy, the WOD, the whiteboard, knees-to-elbows, Glassman, fish oils, oxygen, doing something I hate everyday, the Girls, split-stance, Do-Wins, rollin' shirtless, thrusters, the Nooner, Helen, touch-and-go, universal scalability, core-to-extremity, 3-2-1 GOOOO!, all out effort, quantifiable, evidence based, balance, coordination, lacrosse balls, Carey Kepler, sucking it up, shuttle runs, power, strength, endurance, Tanya Wagner, self-motivation, Rx'd, The Chief, flexibility, community, injury prevention, Turkish-get-ups, chippers, rest days, speed, virtuosity, VO2 Max, no quit, high elbows!, Pukie, metabolic conditioning, abmats, being comfortable with uncomfortable, and my coaches whose knowledge support and drive push me to do and be my very best every single day. I am thankful for... CrossFit.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Get Them Titties Loose


Did something like 225-285-305-315(fail)-305... Goal today was ZERO rounding of the back and a reset with each rep. Pulled 3 @ 315 before I felt my lumbar slippin.

Tabata Squats
Max muscle-ups in 4min

We did two rounds of each, my numbers were:

18/19 (20/20/20/19/19/18/18/19)
16/12 (19/19/16/19/19/18/19/19)

MU's were without pronation at the bottom : ( But def helped work out the soreness in my chest from the last two wods

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Split-Squat 'n Push-Ups

Split Squat

Then 3 rounds for time of:
50 Push-ups
15 Ab-wheel roll-outs

185# (didn't reach failure due to time, all were harder with my right leg than they were with my left)

11:52 rx'd... Not pretty

Monday, November 23, 2009

Bench Press

Bench Press

First time to do max bench press since 2003, maybe later: 154/176/198(F)/187/194/198(F)/198(F)/196(F)

Soooo... stuck at 194. That's 118% bw. It's a starting point. Hopin some bench will help out with my push-ups

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pull-Ups 'n Filthy Fifty

Max Reps Pull-Ups
One attempt, as many pull-ups as possible (kipping)... I nabbed 41(PR).

"The Filthy Fifty"
For time:
50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlbell swings, 1 pood
Walking lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Hip-back extensions
50 Wall-ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpess
50 Double unders

First time to do tha 50... time was 23:??. Did it rx'd except for subbed 2xsingles for double-unders at the end. The wall-ball to burpee transition is KILLA.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Anaerobic Soap Opera


5:23 a PR by 55sec. Felt I could have broken the 5 minute barrier walking into this and was fairly disappointed with my result. I had also set a personal goal of making it though the 2nd round unbroken which did. not. happen. Lost a good 10 sec on the last thruster rep of 9 when I didn't get full lock-out and had to drop the bar. DRAMA. It's absolutely amazing how a 5min workout can completely wreak havoc on my body. The effect is immediate and long lasting. Fran I love hate you.

weight: 167.4

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thurty Ones

Back Squat

Had a great row and kettlebell warm-up then:

205 was right at the 85% 1 rep max mark, and was a perfect struggle on the closing reps. ROM seemed to be migh-T-fine. Right hip flexor/groin was talkin to me a bit.
The met-con was an ascending/descending couplet ladder with push-ups and GHD hip-extensions. The only catch was that on the ghdhe's we had to come completely back out of the saddle with a vertical torso on each rep which was pretty effin aWkwaRd. This really got the attention of my hammies and calves; the low back was on blast too. Reps counts were 21-19-15-12-9-6-3 and vice versa. Nabbed a "slow" 8:54 but made every rep count.

We also did some birfday burpees at the end. 31 for moi. Hated to put everyone through it post met-con, but Tolbs and Chase were determined. Dunno what my time was. I made damn sure I was the first one done though. Thanks guys : )

weight: 167.4

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Silly Saturday Snatch

Hang Snatch

4 rounds for time:
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 ring dips
20 box jumps
25 air squats

Didn't realize how wrecked I was until I got to the box. Diane did her work well. So I took it very easy on the snatches. I did hang power snatches and never did more than 85#. In fact, I mostly did 5x75# and worked on "form" which I would say was almost acceptable. ALMOST.
The met-con I did rx'd and finished in 7:14. The ring dips were the limiting factor fo sho. 45 of them suckas was just BEAST. The box jump/squat couplet got the quads runnin hot too.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Roxannnnne... You Don't Gotta

225# deadlift

225#2 abmats thru 2nd round, 3 abmats on final ftl

Wish I had scaled reps down and stuck with 2 mats throughout... Felt some rounding on the deads in the middle of the set of 15. Think I did a solid adjustment and did the final 9 proper-like.

Still, it's at least a 5 minute improvement over the similar wod on 10/11

weight: 164.9

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Muscle-Up Salute

Front Squat

Warmed up with a light 2 mile run with Kac. Weather. was. perfect. We logged in at 8:46.

PR'd with 215 (by about 18lbs)... chased 220 with 2 attemps but just couldn't get past the half-way mark. Form, I'm told, was good... elbows were high. Focused on breathing/core stability during reps and squeeeeezed them abs.

There was no met-con today so I messed around with some hspu's and mu's. I did 3x5 on hspu's with 1 abmat and did a final set of 8. This is the most I've ever done with 1 abmat! On the mu's I was just tryna stick a STRICT rep. Sam PR'd on strict mu's the other day. Before then it had never occured to me that we could do them from a "deadhang," and I have been curious to try them every since. I did 3x2 strict mu's which were witnessed by Kac, Chase, and a few others. First time to do a movement equals PR. And I'll take it.

weight: 165.0 (just ate)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Faded Glory

Snatch Grip Deadlift (on a riser)


We used 25# plates as risers. I suppose just to increase the ROM and add some variability to programing. Worked with Tolbs and did my last full set of 3 with 225... did a set 0f 2 at 255.

Then came interval Nancy which is 4 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 overhead-squats @ 95#

Did it rx'd and got: 2:51,3:17,3:41,5:41! Those times are a strong indication of how much hurt Helen put on me the day before. FTMFL

Monday, November 9, 2009



8:44 PR by :34

This is the absolute worst I have ever felt post WOD, BUT... it was completely worth it. I did kb's unbroken until number 15 of 3rd round. Pu's went unbroken until I think number 6 of 3rd round. Everything else is a nauseating haze. Sub 8:30 is the next goal.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Tabata Something Else

Pull-ups: 95
Push-ups: 65
Sit-ups: 93
Air squats: 126

Total: 379 (PR)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009



170# weak sauce... but a PR. That puts me right at 30% of my strict press. Ran an easy 2 miles before warm-up... Also did 3x10 ring dips after WOD

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

OHS 'n Run

Overhead Squat

1 Mile time Trial

Old 1rep max is now my 3rep: 155#(PR)

5:58/run (PR by 43sec!) Sooooo stoked to break thru 6min... NEVER thought I would. Neva eva eva

Monday, November 2, 2009


Single Leg Deadlift
5-5-5-5-5 (each leg)

5 rounds for time of:
7 muscle ups
21 burpees

205# and 15:37 rx'd