I am thankful for bumper plates, kettlebells, muscle-ups, Greg Everett, athletic tape, Olympic rings, skin tears, chalk, weight vests, doing work, integrity, neural adaptations, discipline, Chris Spealler, humility, proper mechanics, Practical Programming, box jumps, accuracy, unbroken double-unders, grass-fed beef, the Tori cycle, Heroes, lactic acid, agility, knurling, rollin' barefoot, sweat, tears, Josh Everett, King Kong, handstand push-ups, Burgener, Turkish get-ups, Fran, glycolysis, Roosters, viral video, constant variation, Tabata anything, wall-balls, James Fitzgerald, fundamentals, tire flips, the Internet, Robb Wolf, the POSE method, Aromas, constant self improvement, a Fight Gone Bad gone good, a violent 2nd pull, kipping, agility ladders, burpees, Mikko Salo, intensity, increased work capacity, WIN, 100lb sandbags, GHDs, Jason Khalipa, Jeremy Thiel, defined fitness, Rippetoe, chains, rope climbs, Jolie Gentry, almonds, PVC pipes, professionalism, PRs, Nasty Girls, delayed onset muscle soreness, man-makers, Greg Admundson, Operation Phoenix, sprints, row machines, high-elbows, Filthy Fifty, the pood, Dutch Lowy, full range of motion, ibuprofen, massage therapy, the WOD, the whiteboard, knees-to-elbows, Glassman, fish oils, oxygen, doing something I hate everyday, the Girls, split-stance, Do-Wins, rollin' shirtless, thrusters, the Nooner, Helen, touch-and-go, universal scalability, core-to-extremity, 3-2-1 GOOOO!, all out effort, quantifiable, evidence based, balance, coordination, lacrosse balls, Carey Kepler, sucking it up, shuttle runs, power, strength, endurance, Tanya Wagner, self-motivation, Rx'd, The Chief, flexibility, community, injury prevention, Turkish-get-ups, chippers, rest days, speed, virtuosity, VO2 Max, no quit, high elbows!, Pukie, metabolic conditioning, abmats, being comfortable with uncomfortable, and my coaches whose knowledge support and drive push me to do and be my very best every single day. I am thankful for... CrossFit.
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