Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Load that 12 Gauge... Now Shoot Me

Max Thrusters

I had a go at this WOD today, a challenge from Dutch Lowy's website, and my performance was absolutely pitiful. I hate making f*!#ing excuses, but I don't know what the hell is going on. Sleep? Hydration? Nutrition? The heat? Whatever it is I don't like it. The feeling I get after pissing away a WOD like this disgusts me. It's a COMPLETE emotional drain.

F*!#ing find the problem
F*!#ing fix it

Today's results:
Three sets of 20, 17, and 15 rx'd

Also did 3 x 45 sec leg raises and 10 turkish get-ups

Monday, June 29, 2009

King Turd Of Shit Mountain

Power Snatch

Topped out at 115#, dropped to 95#, then worked back up to 120#

Another less than spectacular performance... couldn't even pull 10lbs less than my last PR. I'll tell myself it was all mental/technique. Spencer did give me a big tip on my head position. I've got a bad habit of looking down at the floor when I do these movements which causes my upper body to drop too far forward and throws off the balance of the entire movement. The goal is to focus on a distant, fixed spot which would essentially immobilize my head/neck and allow for a neutral spine.

I'm also less comfortable with the power variation of the snatch, which I think is unusual. There's something about the quarter squat that throws off my timing and makes the receipt of the weight awkward. I also tend to pull the bar too high before dropping. During this particular WOD I kept bringing the bar at or above chin level. Not good. It's a shame I had so many problems with this WOD since after last week's snatch WOD I had gained considerable confidence with the movement. Guess that's CrossFit... on top of the world one day, groveling in the dirt the next.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lumbar Gone Bad

4 Rounds for time:

400m Run
50 squats

EPIC failure today... I was lying in the street screaming like a lil girl after the second round. That's about when my lower back went ape-shit on me. It felt like King Kong had his paws wrapped around my erector spinae and was tryna milk out some banana milkshakes, aka FULL BLOWN LUMBAR SEIZURE. I gotta start listening to my body when it says, "Rest Day!" This is the first WOD I haven't completed.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

That's Boss

Deadlift max weight possible for 15 reps, 3 attempts

This was fun. I did a set of 15 with 235# fairly easily, then pulled another set with 250# after some harassment from the fellas... glad I did.

weight: 177.8

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blow Out the Candles...

27 Rounds for time:

1 Snatch, 95#
2 Handstand Push-ups

Another technique day, used 75# on las snatches and made it all the way through with 2 abmats on the HSPU's (this is a first for me). At the 20 min cut-off I had just finished my 20th round.

Used 1 pood kettlebells for the tabata shoulder torture after the WOD.

weight: 178.3, then I pissed and it went down to 176.3 FTL (literally)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chase Dem Rabbits...

AMRAP in 10 Rounds:

Burpees, 20 seconds
Mountain Climbers, 20 seconds
Rest, 20 seconds

66 burpees + 119 mountain climbers = 185 total

Friday, June 19, 2009


Weighted Pull-Ups

Some big kippin' got me 20/40/60/80/100#... took 4 pulls to get 3 legit on the benjamin

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Three Tomatoes Were Walking Down The Street...

Playing a lil catch-up on the blog... I've been documenting times/weight/performance on the CFDC site but haven't been transferring the shiz to the FOUR-SIX and TWO. Gonna do that now so most of the following entries will be short 'n sweet. There will be an occasional weight recorded which I have been monitoring fairly consistently. Here weeeee go...

Interval Elizabeth
1:1 work ratio between rounds
Squat-cleans/Ring Dips

"Took it easy" today with 115# to work on my technique and ROM, my cleans are a work in progress... Ring dips have come a long way, no band today

4:49, 3:18, 1:36

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fondren Loopty-Loops

1 mile timed run

6:40 FTL

100 abmat sit-ups

2:40 FTW

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Talkin Bout Emotionality

Front Squats and Muscle-Ups

5:26 with 165# and "toe box" muscle-ups... the 3rd round was killer on the front squats. Glad to be nearing body weight on these. I can't wait to be able to do real-deal muscle-ups... every other sub is just plain retarded.

Monday, June 15, 2009


The Chief
As many rounds as possible in 3 minutes of:
3 power cleans, 135#
6 push-ups
9 squats
Repeat 5 times. Rest 1 minute between sets.

Had a GREAT weekend, but WODs are not fun when you have beer for blood...

4+4+3+3 2/3+3 1/3=17 FTL

Chief, I'll be back to get ya

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Know Pain, Know Gain

6 months! Today was my CFDC six month anniversary and I celebrated with an early morning WOD with the Rooster Crew and breakfast at Kozy. I also had a massage scheduled with Erin, our resident massage therapist, but she had to cancel last minute due to the CRAZY storms that have been pummeling the DF-Dubb all night and day.

I would like to say I had a good experience with the 6 AM'ers. I would like to say I feel great about my performance improvements over the last half-year, and that I feel confident and healthy on this day of relative importance. I would like to say those things, but I can't. In all honesty I feel frustrated with stunted progress and extreme deficiencies in strength. I'm also sore and completely exhuasted today, possibly the result of under-eating/inadequate recovery. During this morning's WOD my tank was on "E" and I struggled with mediocre loads. Explosive power was non-existent and my "techinque" was as far from perfect as is possible. The WOD was:

Clean & Jerk

Then, with 85% of 1 rep max perform 2 C&J every minute, on the minute for 8 consecutive minutes... I only pulled 155# on the 1 rep which is an old PR. I went with 135# on the 8 minute drill. Retarded.

On a positive note, the last 6 months at CrossFit has afforded me the opportunity to assess my general fitness level and establish a baseline from which I can set quantifiable goals. This is probably the most consistent I have ever been with training, and I'm proud of that. The next step is to ramp up the intensity and start focusing on specific weaknesses. I also want to set-up a two-a-day system where I can throw in some run and swim training in the a.m. and hit the WOD hard in the afternoon. I feel like these modalities have fallen to the wayside since starting CrossFit, which is ironic since I came to CrossFit to better my run and swim times. I think the WODs just took so much out of me in the beginning that I didn't have the stamina to keep up with both. Thangs have changed.

weight: 175.8

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Everybody Was Kung-Fu...

Overhead Squats

50 Burpees for time

Topped out at a lousy 115#... I was 115# for 5 last Feb, and 90# for 15 in early May! WTF : (
I blame Barbara (and a weak left shoulder girdle). My left shoulder kept dropping which would cause my entire torso to lean forward.

2:41 on the burpees, but CrossFitters beware... I have been shown the sacred dragon scroll of burpee technique.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Be-ah! Be-ah!

Barbara... you know who she is.

Avg round: 5:04
Total time with rest: 37:20

This was the first time I've done Barb rx'd, and I think it's safe to say it's the first time with full ROM. That first round was mine! for glory! But then that bitch had my ass in a sling and I was beggin' for mercy. No glory there AT ALL. I look forward to getting better everytime I do Barb. I feel like I'll be able to slowly reduce her to non-existence. Guess we'll see about that...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Escargot, My Car Go One-Sixty... Swiftly

100m Sprints x 6

We did this in a hot alley behind the gym, the sun was brutal. Worked on my start a lil with these thanks to instruction from Russ. Mostly just tryna stay low out of the pocket for as long as possible then focusing on staying relaxed once I'm standing tall. Results were:


The times with ?'s were run with partners so I couldn't get an exact readout. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Wall-Balls... Yay!

Fight Gone Bad

This was my second FGB, and my first to break the 300 mark... push-press and sumo's are my weakest links.

303 final

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Smeagle No Trixie

150 wall-balls

8:07 with a 20# med ball

This WOD tore me up. I had a hard time walking the rest of the week. Don't let Karen fool you.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Slow Ride


The longest, ugliest, red-faced repetition in the history of EVER got me a 320# PR.