6 months! Today was my CFDC six month anniversary and I celebrated with an early morning WOD with the Rooster Crew and breakfast at Kozy. I also had a massage scheduled with Erin, our resident massage therapist, but she had to cancel last minute due to the CRAZY storms that have been pummeling the DF-Dubb all night and day.
I would like to say I had a good experience with the 6 AM'ers. I would like to say I feel great about my performance improvements over the last half-year, and that I feel confident and healthy on this day of relative importance. I would like to say those things, but I can't. In all honesty I feel frustrated with stunted progress and extreme deficiencies in strength. I'm also sore and completely exhuasted today, possibly the result of under-eating/inadequate recovery. During this morning's WOD my tank was on "E" and I struggled with mediocre loads. Explosive power was non-existent and my "techinque" was as far from perfect as is possible. The WOD was:
Clean & Jerk
Then, with 85% of 1 rep max perform 2 C&J every minute, on the minute for 8 consecutive minutes... I only pulled 155# on the 1 rep which is an old PR. I went with 135# on the 8 minute drill. Retarded.
On a positive note, the last 6 months at CrossFit has afforded me the opportunity to assess my general fitness level and establish a baseline from which I can set quantifiable goals. This is probably the most consistent I have ever been with training, and I'm proud of that. The next step is to ramp up the intensity and start focusing on specific weaknesses. I also want to set-up a two-a-day system where I can throw in some run and swim training in the a.m. and hit the WOD hard in the afternoon. I feel like these modalities have fallen to the wayside since starting CrossFit, which is ironic since I came to CrossFit to better my run and swim times. I think the WODs just took so much out of me in the beginning that I didn't have the stamina to keep up with both. Thangs have changed.
weight: 175.8
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