AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 Thrusters, 45kg
3 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
6 Thrusters
6 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
9 Thrusters
9 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
And so on...
Once again, not enough sleep. Not enough breakfast. Not enough grit. Blah, blah, blah... only got up to 75kg on push-press. Only made it through 11 pull-ups on round 15 before time was up. It's amazing how 7 minutes can seem to go by so fast AND so slow at the same time. I went ahead and finished out round 15 after the buzzer just to earn some self-respect back. Whatevs... a bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life. A bad day at the gym is still a good day in life... I'm gonna keep sayin' that until it sticks.
***thruster efficiency is something I really need to work on, whether the bar is heavy or light I still feel out of my element with this movement and need to find some kind of baseline comfort/consistency.