Wednesday, September 29, 2010

GI Average Joe

5 Rounds:
400m Run
20 Kettle-Bell Swings @ 53#
10 Pull-Ups
Rest 2:30

Guess this is like a Helen-and-a-half with rest? Rolled rx'd and nabbed splits of: 2:35, 2:40, 2:56, 3:33, and 3:17. That puts my working time at 15:01 and my total time with rest at 25:01. My time was on the slow side of average I'd say. I saw some guys as low as 21-22min total with a lighter kettlebell and a large group floating right around 23-24min marker as rx'd. I need to start running.

Weight: 169.9 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Horrible Fun

A1. Push-press @ 20X1: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 60 sec

A2. Ring row @ 2020: 10-15 reps; rest 60 sec
B. 3 sets at 100%: AMRAP burpees in 1 min; rest 3 min

Pushed 142, 154, 154, and 164x1 before running out of time. Did the ring rows as low and parallel as I could without a box under my feet.
On the burpees we got a little silly... I did 30 burpees the first minute, 24 "as high as possible" the second minute, then 16 "flipper" burpees the last minute. Horrible fun.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Back Squat 1RM

Back Squat AMRAP 85% 1RM

This is a similar albeit heavier version of a WOD we did just a few weeks ago. I continue to have problems with my knees tracking in. Especially on the left side. However, I was able to get 260#...  a five pound PR.

That put me at  221# for the AMRAP. Decided to go with 225 and got 15 or 16 reps. I honestly can't remember what the final number was. I know I def met my goal of 15 but not sure which rep I failed on, 16 or 17. Got the stanky leg fo sho.

Did some adductor work that Bill Starr recommended in the CrossFit journal. I kept the rep scheme lower because of the AMRAP, but did 4x5 wide stance squats (with toes straight ahead) at 135. Load wasn't too taxing but definitely had a "neurological" feel to it. When I got home my lateral quads (vastus lateralus) were screaming at me which is pretty unsual... we'll see how the legs feel manana.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Mr Buck Wild

A. Weighted pull-ups: 2,2,2,2,2,2,2; rest 180 sec
B. 5 sets for max watts: 15 second row sprint; rest as needed
C. 100 GHD sit-ups, not for time, least amount of sets as possible

Warmed-up with 1000m row, some stretches, jump rope, and some dive bomber push-ups.

The heaviest double I was able to get legit today was 53# with a chain belt and kettlebell. I pulled 63# once.

Rows were outta control... We went buck-wild tryna get as much wattage as possible. The avg watts for my pulls ranged any where from 512 to 566. A lot of work to be done on my form here... espesh coming straight out tha gate (and keeping in the saddle). Corey was nabbing mid to high 600's and some of the taller/beefier fellas were gettin the same in the 700's. Crazee.

I did 3 sets of 25 before my low back started to spasm (my low back/left hip have been stoopid tight the last 24hrs)... didn't want to push my luck after that. All-in-all it was a casual friday at the box.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Make Room

AMRAP Handstand Push-Ups: 10 min
AMRAP Air Squats: 5 min
AMRAP Pull-Ups: 2 min
AMRAP Push-Ups: 1 min


Started with one abmat... after 10 reps I moved to 2 abmats. Lots of work to be done.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tempo People, TEMPO

A1. Back squat @ 30X1: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 30 sec
A2. 5 Box jump AHAP; rest 180 sec x 5
B1. 10 ring dips @ 3111; rest 45 sec x 4-5
B2. AMRAP kipping pull ups; rest 45 sec x 4-5
C. Med ball sit-up toss x 10; rest 60 sec x 3

Dunno if it was the early WOD or the rep cadence but the squats today weren't feelin real good. Did working sets of 205, 215, 225, and 230x1(f) before running out of time. That last set was feeling ok but I paused a tad bit too long at the bottom and couldn't dig myself out. Used a 30" box with 45 and 35 plates stacked on top.

Ring dips and pull-ups I did rx'd but only got 3 full sets in. I stuck with 25 pull-ups per round.

Med-ball sit-ups were just silly... used a 20# ball.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mind Games

4 Rounds for max reps:
30" Wall-balls, 20#
30" Burpees
30" Kettlebell Swings, 53#
30" Burpees
5 min Rest


Crashed and burned on that last one... the wall-ball bounced off the window and I caught it with my face. That put me back a few reps and I never recovered. Did 3x12 on the ab roller and 3x15 goodmornings with a green band after. Good stuff.


For Time:
30 Overhead Squats
50 Burpees

This is suppose to be a sadistic CFDC version of the ALREADY sadistic San Fran Crippler. I suppose the weight prescription would be 100% bodyweight for the "elite." Sam gave us a scale to base our loads off of, and with the results of the recent OHS x 15 WOD I went with a 70% prescription which put me right at 115# (70% of 167 is 116.9). I had a hard time stabilizing today. I was still able to get full depth on each rep (maybe too much depth) but felt shaky and uncontrolled. I busted my ass on one failure and nearly took my own head off when I went to re-rack on the final rep. On a positive note I was able to knock out my final 10 reps without failure/re-rack. Burpees were REDIC after the OHSs. Hip flexors and ant shoulders were on blast and I was sucking air. Total time was 6:58.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fun Fast Friday

Push Press

5 rounds:
45sec, max pull-ups (unbroken sets of 5)
90 sec rest

Did this with Chris... we had a full class so we weren't able to snag a power rack, it took us longer to get set-up, and we weren't quite able to finish all 10 push-press. Warmed up with the bar, 115, and 135. then started with 155 for my first round. Unfortunately I couldn't get 165 next. Tried it twice actually. So I dropped back down to 155. Got it. Threw on 160. Got it. Then threw the 165 back on and got that. Weird. My form was all over the place. But I finally got it locked down with the bar in full contact with my shoulders and a good, fast hip pop. It really helped me to take an extra deep breath and push my belly out to lock-in my spine. My former 1RM is 175 so I'm sorry I didn't throw at least that up today... but I think I could have gotten it (after getting locked in) had we had more time.

On the pull-ups I did 5-4-4-4-4... that's sets of 5, so we get a grand total of  105.
Also did 3x5 of strict press at 95 to finish things off.

Weight: 167.0

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Catch Me If You Can't

20sec on for total distance
100sec Rest
Repeat x 15

Avg 125m per round... hard work.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Ya Like Ya Eggs?

A. As many sets in 5min of: 25 Double-unders
B. Deadlift: 3RM

I got 6! or 7? Lost count so I went with the lower of the two... either way this is the most du's I've ever done.

On the deadlifts we warmed up then did  130kg/286lb, 140/308, 150/330, and 160/352. Was successful on all attempts but that last set of 352 came with some significant rounding. Meant to drop to 341 and get another "pretty" set but I was toast. A PR all the same...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Terminal Burp-o-locity

A1. Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
A2. Pull-Ups 10-20 x5
B. Max Burpees in 20sec, rest 90sec x5

Moved 70kg/154lb, 85/187, 90/198, 92/202.4, and 95/209 (x2)... damn knees kept suckin in.
Ran with 15 pull-ups per round... guess that's 75 in all.

Snagged 11 burpees per round for a total of fiddy-five... just couldn't seem to get a full #12 in before the timer. Can't imagine goin any faster on these, not without sacrificing ROM anyway.

Friday, September 10, 2010


1.5K Run (1 mile)
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 5min of:
7 Pull-ups
3 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 5 min of:
3 Pull-ups
7 Burpees

Hmm... not sure how to feel about this one. I ran the 1 mile in 6:05 which is 7 sec off my PR, BUT I also haven't been running AND I'm on day 3 of a bad head cold. (Think snot. Lots of it.) I really started to feel the cold (mostly dehydration from all the meds) during the pull-up and burpees segments. I only got 7 rounds the first go 'round and 4 on the second.  I also gaffed up the instructions on the last round. I swear I read on the blog that we were cashing out on pull-ups in the final heat. I THOUGHT we were doing as many sets of 3 pull-ups in 5 minutes. But then I noticed some of the boys were still doing burpees and was thinkin WTF... I looked at the whiteboard and realized my mistake. SO I did 28 burpees in a row to get back in the rx'd zone and by the time I got done I was gassed. Oh well... still got a good workout.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Take A Knee

A1. Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3, rest 10sec
A2. Russian Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood 10-10-10-10-10, rest 10sec
A3. Broad Jumps 7-7-7-7-7, rest 2min

Did 155, 165, and 175 on the first 3 sets. My form went to crap at 175 so I dropped back down to 170 for the remaining 2 sets. I have a head cold today and almost didn't make it in (it's also sooper gloomy and rainy today.) Glad I did though, the crud in my sinuses loosened up and fell out of my face immediately after the WOD.

We also did 3x1min plank holds at the end of class, easy breezy EXCEPT someone kept putting their knee down and Chase penalized us 10 extra sec each time. I wonder who it was....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Model Citizen

Overhead Squat

300 Row/30 GHD sit-ups
200 Row/20 GHD sit-ups
100 Row/10 GHD sit-ups

Did a brief warm-up/stretch and got right to it. Guess I'll say mt first set was at 95#, then 115#, then a fail at 135# (only got it 6 times), THEN a successful attempt at 125#. That there is a PR for moi.

Didn't time the cookie, but did it nonetheless

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


A. Power Clean and Push Press, 1RM

B. 800M Row

C. 75 Wall-balls, 20# ball

a. Was able to nab a legit 175# on the push-press... I think thats a PR.
b. 2:34 on the row... First time doing an 800, quads were on fire
c. 4:34 on the wall-balls which is a rediculosly slow time. My tri's and ant. delts were screaming at me! Couldn't suck it up.

All in all a fun day.