Monday, August 10, 2009

Hot, Fresh, Made To Your Order...

Back Squat
5 x Box jumps after each set

My right upper quad is super tight/hurting today. Still managed to get it fairly warmed-up/loose and trucked on through the WOD. My loads were 185-185-195-195-200 (x4). Used a 30" box with 2x35# plates stacked on top. My leg didn't hurt at all during the box jumps, and I really only felt pain during the concentric portion of the squat when I was coming out of the hole. I noticed it helps ease the pain if I push my knees out wide.

We also did 5 rounds of Cindy towards the end of the session. My time was fairly quick at 2:48... it got the blood pumping fo' sho. The best time for the day (so far) was a blazing 2:15!

weight: 174.6


  1. Aw-shucks, thanks! Gotta get my speedy pull-up technique though... maybe then I can run with the big dogs :)

  2. I feel like I am never going to get a pull up, so you are light years ahead of me!
