Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We Don't Have Enough

7 sets at 95-97% effort:
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 TAG Deadlifts
7 Burpees
Rest 4 minutes

Rolled with 80kg/176lb cause that's what most of the boys did. Maybe should have done more weight? Was told the goal was to keep the intervals below 90sec. My sets were :47, :47, :48, :49, :50, :55, and :52. Good intensity on this one. Deads were the burner.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Butter Thighs

A1. Split Jerk: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 1 minute
A2. Kipping pull-ups: AMRAP x 5 sets; rest 3 minutes
B. Turkish Get ups: 30 slow and controlled
C. GHD sit-ups: 2 x 20 @ 20X1; rest 2 minutes

My groin has been JACKED since the 10x10 wod and today was the first day I was actually able to move around without having my adductors seize. That said I didn't do split jerk. I did do a few push jerk, but didn't get too heavy. 154# was the tops. Pull-ups I did in sets of 25.

Since I knew I wouldn't be moving too fast on the Get-ups due to the groin I decided to roll with the 53# kettlebell. I started by doing 3 each side but then switched to 1. We didn't do this for time but it took me 14:40 to finish.

Done and done on part C. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

On a Pale Horse

Back Squat, 10x10

We could approach the 10 sets any way we wanted... we decided to go with a wave load scheme. My sets in kg were 70, 80, 90, 80, 90, 95, 90, 95, 97x6, and 95x7. Legs were done. My total  in lbs was 17,894... down from 19 sumthin had I completed my 2 failed sets.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Numbing Burn

10 minute cap
2K Row
Then AMRAP Double-Unders in the time remaining

7:06.0 on the row... Happy to have paced myself and still be within 1 sec of my PR. I was actually able to walk away from the rower, unfortunately I went full retard on the du's. I decided to just keep my body moving and ran with singles. Nabbed 176 before the clock stopped.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Blunt Cruisin'


For time:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 air squats

18:47 today. No real sense of urgency and was double-sure to hit full ROM. Felt good after, not really too taxed and recovered well. Was sweatin' out the weekend's beer and pizza.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

He's a Looker

A. Squat Clean Cluster: 1.1.1 x 5; rest 4 minutes - rest 10 seconds between reps

B. Ring Push-Ups @ 1010: amrap x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds (stop 2 reps shy of muscle failure)
C. AMRAP sets of 5 unbroken Overhead Squats in 5 minutes; must reset with a rest on the ground in between sets

a. 186# was my final, successful 3... for whatever reason when I went up to 198# I wasn't releasing my grip to catch the bar... so I did 1 fugly rep, failed, and had a successful (and pretty per Sam) third rep. I was working with a newbie today and it was really humbling to watch him and realize how far my form has come since I first started at CFDC. Still have a long way to go yet

b. Did sets of 25-20-15-10-10... these seemed more difficult than usual, I think because of the burpees and benchpress from yesterday.

c. This was gay. Again, was having problems because of my chest. I was having the hardest time stabilizing the barbell as I went down into the pocket. I only finished 6 sets... should have been around 10.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


For time:
25 chin ups

5 burpees
20 chin ups
10 burpees
15 chin ups
15 burpees
10 chin ups
20 burpees
5 chin ups
25 burpees

8:36?? I think... I know it was 8 sumthin and not as fast as Brad with an 8:03. I definitely paced myself and kept re-chalking for the pull-ups. Dunno how things would've turned out if I went all out.

After, did some bench with Brian... we did sets of 5 and my loads were sumthin like 60|70|80x4|70|75|80kg

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sins of the Father

A1. 5 touch and go deadlifts; rest 10 seconds
A2. 7 box jumps; rest 10 seconds
A3. 60 sec row sprint, 10 damper, 90% effort; rest 5-7 minutes x 5 sets

Rolled with 308# and a 24" box. My interval distances were: 330|312|310|303|291m

Hayden worked out with me today! He went with 154# on deads and a 20" box. His distances were: 231|255|248|260|263m. He actually improved as the intervals went on because his technique was improving. He stayed pretty tight on the deads well... the only coaching point was for him not to get lazy and to be sure to bring his hips down at the bottom of the lift. Good, fun but HOT day.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Muted Pics

A. Front Squat @ 31X2: 3,3,3,3; rest 3 minutes

B1. 5 Push Jerk; rest 1 minute
B2. 15-20 kipping knees to elbows; rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
C. GH Raise @ 2010: 3 sets x 15 reps; rest 90 seconds

a. Stayed legit on tempo with the pause at the bottom... heaviest successful load was 198#. Was able to get 208" x2.
b. 154# was the heaviest on jerks, done-and-done on the kte's (did 20 a round). Sam made a quick film while I was doing push-jerk. He pointed out that I was coming on my toes and not stickin' my hips out (and back.) aka I had muted hips. Huge power sucker-upper.
c. Did all raising fully off the ghd... killed my hammies.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Platt Toed

A. Power snatch heavy double in 10 minutes
B. Power clean heavy double in 10 minutes
3 rounds, each for time:
5 touch and go squat cleans @ 100% of power snatch double
10 burpees AFAP
Rest 4 minutes
a. 130# ugh
b. 186# ugh
c. 33", 35", and 33" at 132#
Did 5x15 reverse hypers 25/45/55/55/55

Monday, June 6, 2011

Work the Murph Out

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

7 L Pull-Ups
5 Turkish Get-Ups each side, 1.5pd

Scaled to 1 abmat (small side) and 44# on the get-ups. Totaled 3 rounds, 5 hspu's, 7 pu's, and 1/2 get-up (got up, but not down.) Did all the get-ups with a 3 and 2 rep scheme. Hspu's were mostly singles. Good long sweat to help work the Murph out of our bodies.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Family, Friends, and Lactic Acid

Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Air Squats
Run 1 Mile

First time doing Murph... unfortunately I was kinda just cruisin' since I was rollin' with Jorge and Hayden thru the WOD. It was definitely more about them than me, and a whole lot of fun. Think I finished with Jorge in 45min 40sec. Hayden was a little ahead of us.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Got Ups?

A1. Back Squat @ 20X2 tempo: 4-6 reps; rest 10 sec,

A2. 10 Box Jump Overs (jump and turn and repeat); rest 10 sec,
A3. 30 Unbroken Double-Unders x 4 sets; rest 3-4 minutes.
B. For Time: Partnered Burpee Ladder, 1-10.
C. 15 Hip Back Extensions; rest 60 sec x 3 sets

a. Sets were 198/208/220/230(x4). Used a 24" box for the jumps.
b. 3:41 partnered with Jack and Brian
c. Done and done