I'm f@*$! sore today... my delts, pecs, bi's, and lats are tighter than Jay Z's lyrics. BOOYA! Yes, that just happened. Anyway, I obviously cringed when I saw today's WOD:
I haven't had what I would call a "healthy relationship" with thrusters thus far. Granted, we have only met 2 times previous to today's WOD, but I distinctly remember a full dose of physical and mental anguish being served up during each rendevous. This probably has a lot to do with my technique which, as far as I can tell, is piss poor.
For whatever reason I have an issue with releasing my grip from the barbell when entering/exiting the bottom of the movement. This forces my elbows down, causes my scapula to protract, and ultimately decreases the efficiency of my power transfer since I'm unable to maintain an ideal verticle posture or chest-to-bar contact throughout the movement. Sam gave me notes today and he seemed to think that this was a flexability issue. While I don't doubt I would benefit from some added flexibilty through my shoulder girdle (who wouldn't), I think this is more a mental problem than any. I don't feel comfortable releasing my grip because 1.) I want to maintain "full control" of the weight I have chosen to place my body beneath and 2.) I haven't developed a technique that will allow me to quickly transition my grip while accomodating both the front squat and push-press segments of the movement. I have a feeling I will learn how to push the bar into the air with chest and semi-open palms, then transition to a closed grip somewhere during mid-flight with wrists under the bar. Time will tell. Until then I'll just have to shake off the soreness, brush my shoulders off, and keep on keepin' on.
Today's loads were:
135, 140, 145 (f), 145, 150 (f), 150, 155 (f), 155 (f)
Weight: 172.6
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