400m Run
50 Barbell Thrusters
400m Run
50 Burpees
400m Run
50 Barbell Thrusters
This got stupid. Actually, my lower back did. Yesterday's workout caught up with me with a vengeance after the first set of thrusters. TIGHT doesn't even begin to describe the feeling when those low back muscles start to seize up. I suffered thru the burpees and third "run," but when I came back to try the final set of thrusters I could barely pick the empty barbell off the ground. I looked at Sam and he had me finish up with 50 push-ups. I did some stretching and rolling out after. Threw on some tiger balm. It's 3 hours later now and I'm still moving like an old man, but the extreme tightness and pain have subsided. I've gotta do sumthin about this little issue of mine. I think this is the third time my low back has given me serious (non-injury) problems, and I'm pretty sure they all involved some combination of deadlifts, ghbe's, and running. My retarded time was 18:18.
p.s. Sam gave a small lecture on rest/recovery after I folded in front of the class. Funny thing is I do nearly everything he discussed. I felt surprisingly good getting out of bed this morning actually, and don't think there's much more I could have done except 1.) have done a lighter load during yesterday's WOD and/or 2.)given my body more time to recover, ie a rest day. But like I said my body was whistling Dixie before the WOD and I felt optimistic about getting a respectable time. Makes me wonder about the need for some specific back/core strength work.