Wednesday, January 26, 2011


A. Jerk, 1RM; rest 5 minutes before going to B
B. AMRAP push ups in 4 minutes; rest 4 minutes before going to C
C. Tabata sit-ups, total score

HUGE pr for me today... FINALLY. Passed the 200 mark on split jerk with a 203# attempt. I'd prob call it a no lift since I had maybe 1" of press-out on the left hand side, but otherwise it was legit. The work-up was 132/154/174/184/189/198/203. I think the biggest contributor to my success was my extremely sore legs... I think they kept me from dipping too low, and I was able to generate more speed/force with my hips. I also felt pretty fast getting under the bar, tho that might have just been my imagination. Triple expresso from Starbs prob didn't hurt that. 124 on the push-ups. 124 on the tabata sit-ups. Oh, and Corey let me roll with his Do-Wins.

Also finished up with 4x10 one legged deadlifts with the kettlebells, 54/70/88/88 were the loads. Then 3x60m farmer carries with 88's in each hand. Bye bye forearms.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Max reps @ 90% effort:

5 min row for cals
5 min KB swings, (53/35)
5 min box jumps (24/20)
5 min burpees

Legs were broke off from yesterday's wod but had a decent showing: 90 cal, 90 swings, 127 jumps, and 72 burpees. Row was the worst. 379 total.

Monday, January 24, 2011


A. Back Squat, 1RM; rest as needed
B. 85% of A x AMRAP; rest 5 minutes before C
C. AMRAP kipping pull-ups x 1 set

120kg/264# today... a 4# PR. Sooo close to getting 123/270 up. Rolled with 224 on the AMRAP and squeezed out 20 reps... that's about a 4 rep PR from September. On pull-ups I repped out 46 and sneak my way onto the gym record board... that's a PR of 5 for me. Gonna need another 5 or so if I want to stay on there for any respectable amount of time.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mango Melon

A. Hang Power Snatch: 3,3,3; rest 2 min
B. Overhead Squat: 3,3,3; rest 2 min
C. 200 Walking Lunge Steps, not for time; perfect reps
D. Knees-To-Elbows @ 2020 tempo: 3 x 15-20 reps

a. 110# was prob my prettiest set, did 120# but my stance started going wide (still had full lock-out tho)
b. 154# was my best x3, I grabbed 164# for 2
c. check check
d. check check

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Strawberry Banana

5-7 Sets of:
A1. 5 Muscle-Ups; rest 20 sec
A2. 5 perfect HSPU on parallettes; rest 20 sec
A3. 15 touch and go deadlift @ 100kg unbroken; rest 5 minutes

Worked open-grip muscle-ups and did 'em rx'd... Worked hspu's with the small side of 1 abmat, reps as rx'd... Did the deads rx'd. Afterwards, I did 4 sets of weighted dips (static). The loads were 15|20|22|25kg. 5 reps each.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pina Colada

Row Sprints:
5 sets
45 sec @ 90%
rest 3 min b/t sets
active rest 10 minutes
5 sets
45 sec @ 90%
rest 3 min b/t sets

Meters for each interval were: 259|273|271|268|268 and 265|262|253|261|265. Average for the first half was 267.8m and I averaged 261.2m on the second half which gave me a 264.5m overall. As fatigue set in I could feel technique and efficiency slowly slipping away from me. Never fell off the rower though. WIN

Monday, January 17, 2011

Royal Berry Punch

A1. Back squat @ 30X0: 3,3,3,3,3; rest 1 min
A2. 20 unbroken KB swings w/ 1.5pd x 5 sets; rest 3 min
B1. 20 sec max DB Thrusters (45/30); rest 20 sec
B2. 60 sec max Double-Unders; rest 90 sec x 5 set

105kg was my best set of 3 at tempo... attempted 107 and got it twice. Kettlebells CHECK. My thruster sets were 11|9|10|9|10 rx'd. Double-unders were a bit sketch. On the first round I did all high singles, just over a hundred. On the remaining rounds I did sumthin like 33|53|42|33. Ye olde deltoids (anterior) got pretty fired up on this one.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


3 Rounds For Time:
45 double unders
30 KBS, 1.5pd
15 pull-ups

11:14 rx'd... blah. Grip was gone after yesterdays farmer's carry bonanza, holding on for dear life totally gassed me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


A1. Back squat @ 20X1: 2-3 reps x 5 sets; rest 60 sec
A2. 5 weighted pull-ups x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes
B. Partnered sit-up med ball throws: 5 x 20, 20# ball; rest 30 sec b/t sets of 20
C. 50 DB push press anyhow, 45#

230# was my best x3, attempted 242# and only got it once... rolled with 33# on the pull-ups (no-kip). Knocked out the sit-ups and broke the DB push-presses into 5x10 sets with 30sec rest between.

On my own (after) I did 4 rounds of 24" box jumps and 88# farmer carries (2 trips per hand at maybe 30m?)... didn't time it. Then I knocked out 4 sets of 30 push-ups with 1min rest between. Also tried to do some double-unders but just. wasn't. feeling. it. It was as if I'd never seen a jump rope before.

Oh, and Carrie: chestal muscles are superawesomecoolrad ;)(I still can't post comments on your blog)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Chilly Willy

Push-Press 3x5

3 Rounds For Time:
21 Push-Press, 75#
12 Burpee Pull-Ups

154, 164x4, 164x4... 6:34 rx'd on metcon.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Time of Transition


5 RFT of:
12 deadlifts, 155 pounds
9 hang power cleans, 155 pounds
6 push-jerks, 155 pounds

Went 60kg/132#... 14:14. The barbell felt HEAVY today. Wish I would have had the grip to hold on during the cleans.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rookie Mistake

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

4 handstand push-ups
8 KB swings, 2 pood
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups

8 rounds plus 4 hspu's and 3 kettlebell swings... used 2 abmats on hspu's. Lost control of the kb late into the wod and ripped a callus clean off my paw. Actually had to drop it behind my head at the top of the swing and bail. The pull-ups were the limiting factor here.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Do and Done in Twenty One One

A1. Back squat @ 30X2; 5,4,3,2,1; rest 45 sec
A2. AMRAP ring push-ups @ 20X2 x 5 sets; rest 3 min
3 efforts:
400m run @ 95%
3:1 rest to work ratio
50 GHD sit-ups anyhow

Done did 208x5, 220x4, 230x3(f), 230x2, and 242x1 at tempo... Prolly should have done a bit more weight at 1. Ring push-ups were something like 16, 17, 10, 10, and 8. Sprints were 1:11, 1:12, and 1:18 (a train and a car got in my way). Did abmat sit-ups and knocked 100 instead. Also did some double-under work, got something like 5-6 sets of 50-60.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Zooooot Zoot

The Chief
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans, 135#
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
1 Minute Rest

Repeat 5 Rounds

My goal was 5 rounds for each interval... and I accomplished just that. Feels good hitting a goal. Feels even better getting a 4 round PR. I had some time to spare in the first couple of rounds and might have been able to squeeze 6 in, but I didn't want to fall-off at the end and poss drop to 4. Will try to do a 6-6-5-5-5 next time though.